Sunday, September 3, 2017

18 Holy Months

For the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one of the highlights of life is going on a mission. During this period you dedicate all your time and energy to sharing a message that has brought peace and hope into your life.  For 2 years for boys and 1.5 for girls, you don't go to school or have a job. You only communicate with your family once a week through email and you completely change your lifestyle plane to fit that of a monk almost. Nothing but uplifting and calm music. No Facebook. No media. Your focus is purely on others. This week it will be two whole years since I have returned from my time as a missionary and going was the best decision I could have ever made for my life and my eternity. Here are some things that my mission has influenced greatly:

1. My work ethic. I can honestly and 100% say that I can work with anyone. As a missionary you're paired up with a companion that is with you 24/7. You also had to work with Stake leader, Ward leaders and Mission leaders. I would visit people of a different culture than mine since I taught the gospel in Spanish. I visited Jehovah's witnesses, Buddhists and Atheists. I even visited people who absolutely despised me and spat on me for what I believed in. With all these different people, came along their different beliefs (even in the church), and I had to learn how to work towards a common goal or have the patience to always have a smile on my face. I guarantee I would not have been as successful in the workplace as I am if it were not for my mission and the people I worked with.
2. The importance of quality relationships. If there was one thing I learned on my mission it was that I could NOT return to God without the people He places in my life. Whether it was my best friend Olivia, my coworkers or professors or even the people who I don't like to be honest hahaha. I learn something from each person in order to make me who God wants me to be. It taught me to value other people and the potential each relationship can have.
3. It placed the gospel first and helped me set that goal for the rest of my life. Every single day I taught people about God and for 18 months I saw the changes that He made in their lives. They were happier and always seemed to have a glow about them the more the learned about Him and applied His commandments in their lives. I myself felt the power of living the gospel and having the companionship of the Spirit. I made a promise to myself and God that I would never do anything to jeopardize that feeling. Now, I have failed a couple times, but in those moments I have been able to have that desire to do whatever it takes to get back to that feeling. I'm grateful for the perspective.

I am ETERNALLY grateful for the people of West Valley City, UT. For all my companions, other missionaries, leaders both mission and local, and all the people that let me into their home. My life has forever been influenced by your love, your food and the Latino culture. There will always be a special place in my heart for those I am in contact with on my mission. Most importantly, I want to thank my Heavenly Father for putting so much trust in me to be one of His representatives. Because of my mission I have an incredibly handsome, kind, loving, forgiving and righteous husband. We both can thank our missions for our happy marriage and lovely home. And I can say that because of my mission, I know and love my Savior Jesus Christ and understand His role in my life better than I ever could have without it. Because of my mission, the past 2 years and the years to come with be the best years yet!