Friday, March 28, 2014

Week 2 at the MTC

Finally it's!

This past week has been such a blast and I have learned so much. I can teach the Restoration without any help from my language books and carry on a conversation. By no means am I fluent but I know enough to fulfill my purpose as a missionary. Everyone who asks me where I'm going gets so excited for me when they hear Salt Lake City. They always want to trade missions with me hahaha! This week I was a little more home sick than normal because I knew I was missing Lilly's first birthday... If anyone has any pics please email them to me! I miss my chub! 

We taught our last lesson to our first Investigator last week and he became our teacher. His name is Hermano Hernandez. He is such a cool guy and he is tiny! He is only an inch, if that, taller than me and he is so little around! 

OH and I stepped on a bee. It stung me. It hurt. I hate bees. My companion was stung yesterday, She hates bees too now. We both hate bees. The trees here are in full bloom and they are really pretty but the flowers get blown off in the wind. There are bees everywhere!

Hermana Baldwin and I got called to be Sister Trainer Leaders which is the equivalent of a District Leader for Elders! The first thing that we both thought at first was how we were going to handle the Hermana in our district who has an issue of flirting... really bad. She has a list of all the emails she has obtained from Elders and insisted on reading it to us the other night LOL. She also loves to tell stories and they all start out with "So me and my ex-boyfriend". Hahahahaha! Me and Hermana Baldwin are laughing right now telling our families this! She cracks us all up and we love her so much even though she can be a bit of a challenge! Anyways, we prayed about it and decided that we weren't going to say anything until after the boys she was flirting with left for the mission field. 2 days later they were gone and she is doing so much better! We were both glad that we waited and listened to the prompting of the spirit.

Speaking of promptings.... Monday night me and Baldwin decided that we were going to set our alarm clock early so we could do some exercising before our day. The next morning the alarm went off and I immediately felt this feeling that something bad was going to happen. I kept thinking "Don't go outside, stay in the house." When we all started to get up at 6:30 to get ready another hermana from the room next to us came in and asked if we were ok. Turns out her and another sister in her room had the same exact feeling as well as all the girls in my room. Everyone had set their alarm clock earlier and no one went outside. I am so grateful for the spirit and the protection that it provides! Who knows what would have happened had one of us ignored those promptings!

Hermana Baldwin and Hermana Fisher might have talked me in to going to BYU-I with them. I never thought I would say that! We all want to room together! They are such great girls and it is always a good time! I'm lucky to call them sisters! We three get along so well and Hermana Baldwin is just as clutzy as I am but she says I play it off just a little better. I tell her I have a lot of experience being the awkward uncoordinated one! One of the Elders said "I don't know how you are so good at volleyball because you can't even walk without hurting yourself." 

I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve a mission. It is truly where I am suppose to be. I have never been more exhausted, frustrated and happy all at once! I know that my Savior died and lived for all of us to return to live with our Father in Heaven. I know that through the prophet Joseph Smith, God's church was once again established on the Earth today. I know that the Book of Mormon is that most correct of all books on this Earth and that with the Bible they are the full gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that God is a loving Heavenly Father and wants evey single one of His children back in His arms. I LOVE THIS GOSPEL!

Until next!
Xoxo, Hermana Ritter

Having some fun with my fellow Hermanas...

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