Thursday, April 3, 2014

Half Way Done... Well, with the MTC anyway

Hello friends and family,

This week has been an eventful week and I am having so much fun! I cannot believe that I am already half way done with the MTC. Through out the week I always say that I have to write my family that but I always end up forgetting when the time actually comes!

The language is coming along pretty well and I am very surprised! I have learned more in these 3 weeks than I did taking 3 years of Spanish. It amazes me how much the Spirit can teach and help you remember. Universities have stayed at the CCM and studied the process and none have managed to duplicate the process. That's just another testimony of the role the spirit has in learning the gospel and how Heavenly Father helps His servants.

My companion and I are getting along great... A little too good sometimes because it's hard for us to focus. The district is so close and we all really enjoy each other's company! On Monday's we have district volleyball for gym and seriously I sweat more from laughing than I do playing! Most of the guys are more musical than athletic so it's fun to watch them get excited when they actually get it over the net. I am truly blessed!

This week was really hard because for a couple days after P.Day I was really homesick. I missed Jackson and Lilly so much I could hardly stand it. I felt like I completely bombed at Spanish and I hadn't felt the spirit with our investigator yet. I felt like the worst missionary in the world. Hermana Baldwin would tell me after "The spirit was so strong" and I wouldn't feel a thing. We are teaching this man Kevin who thinks his life is perfect, he doesn't need the gospel and just let us in because he wants his member friend off his back. He likes to go to fiestas and partake of life.. A lot! Hahaha! All the others who were teaching him before us (he is our teacher but we treat him like a real investigator) would come in the room after teaching him and be in emotional pieces. They told us before hand that they didn't like him and that he was "difficult". Me and Hermana Baldwin made a decision that we weren't going to assume and just teach him like we didn't hear all of what the others said. I am so glad we decided that before hand. He was for sure not as bad as everyone said he was. He was just a normal guy who hadn't known any better. Most of my district are mainstream Mormons and so I think they had a rude awakening. We taught an amazing lesson but I still didn't feel anything. On Monday we taught Kevin again and I was an emotional wreck on the inside. I was just really sad. The spirit was so strong and I think was because I taught in humility. Kevin told us that he believed God didn't love sinners and I testified with power I didn't know I had that God loved him despite of his sins. I told him that God loves all His children and invites them all to change to live through the gospel of Jesus Christ to find happiness in this life. Hermana Baldwin and I went into an empty classroom and broke down. We are so grateful and humble to be here!

Oh how I love this gospel and praying to my Heavenly Father. I pray for so much and I can feel in my heart that He is listening. I know with every fever of my body that this gospel is true and blesses families. It is the one true way to have complete and pure happiness. I know that my Redeemer lives, that He loves each and everyone of us and that only through Him can we return to live with our Father in Heaven. 

All my love! Hermana Ritter

PS as a side note (this is Nikki speaking) I'd like to share what a small world it is with you. Madi's companion, Hermana Baldwin, is the daughter of a boy I went to school with from K-3 and 5-7 grades. Does it get any more amazing than that? I asked Madi to see if her companion knew anyone in her family named Cade Baldwin who lived in Riverside, Id when he was little. "That's my DAD!!!!!' She replied. Pretty fun coincidence! :)

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