Friday, March 30, 2018

A Letter to Myself

Every morning I wake up and I teach twelve 14-18 year old high school students. Some really have a good head on their shoulders and seem to be in the right space. Others seem to have lost what my mom calls 'the sparkle" in their eyes. They seem lost, wandering and frankly remind me of myself when I was that age. Tonight I just can't seem to get all of them off my mind, especially that 14 or 17 year old Madi who had no idea what high school was going to bring. To her I write this letter.


The next decade is going to be the best of times and the worst of times. Life is going to bend you until the point where you feel like you are going to snap. There are so many battles waiting for you. Some you will win gloriously and others will rock your world. If you could see where you are now, I think you'd be proud. A little surprised but for sure proud! I just want you to know that you made an amazing life for yourself and I'm determined to make a future we can be equally as proud of. You graduated, furthered your education, served a mission and married an outstanding man. Sorry, you didn't end up playing for the BYU women's volleyball team. You didn't play college ball at all and I apologize for not reaching that goal for the both of us! I know it was something you really wanted.

Stop being so self conscious. Don't listen to them. I want you to not listen to the kids at school who tease you. They'll give you crap about being Mormon, a lot. Boys will make inappropriate comments and bully you for being a virgin or being prude. You'll find a man who loves you for you and appreciates the special bond of being each other's one and only. Don't listen to the girls who make fun of your frizzy hair, you'll discover mousse and a diffuser. You get a lot of compliments! You're not fat. For goodness sake, you're a size 00. Need I say more?! And don't be self conscious about your small boobs. They'll tease you for that too. You're a late bloomer and you'll get the ones you want, naturally. Trust the process haha.

Most importantly, hold tight. Hold tight to the morals and precepts you were taught you whole life. Don't let stupid, mean high school kids take away the happiness they bring you. Your junior and senior year will be one of the hardest years of your life. Big changes and heartbreak are coming, but it's nothing you can't handle. Remember to say your prayers and read SOMETHING out of the Book of Mormon every day. Do that and the world won't seem like it's falling apart.. well not as much! Don't let the small mistakes lead you to make big ones. Repentance is a beautiful process and needs to be done quickly. See bishop right away! 

You are an incredibly strong and persistent young lady. You honestly can do anything you put your mind to. God loves you. Always remember, always that God is love.

You can do this!

Your future self

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Democrat in a Conservative LDS Community

DISCLAIMER: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has no political affiliation whatsoever. It is neither conservative nor liberal nor does it hardly ever make any stance when it comes to political platform. If you do want to know the stance of the LDS church on any topic, they ALWAYS come out with an official press release. If you have questions, please consult with This blog post is purely written from my own personal experiences with other members of the church along with members who share the same political beliefs as me within the church.

Let's go ahead and set the scene before I really go into this blog post by telling you about my upbringing. I was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ which has been a conservative state in every election except in 1996 since becoming part of the U.S in 1912. I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints my whole life. My whole family is basically conservative (unless there are some closeted liberals I don't know about hahaha). If you asked me during the 2012 election which political party I associated with I would have said none but I leaned more to right. I would've regurgitated something I heard from my parents or something I saw on Fox News, as that was the only new station I really watched growing up besides the local news. I was taught that the worst thing you could be was a democrat in the way those around me talked about it and even people in my church growing up.

Now because of the teachings of the church and its doctrines, many members of the church tend to affiliate with right wing or the conservative side of the spectrum. And there is nothing wrong with that BUT I am sick and tired of being judged and persecuted in my own community for believing and thinking differently. I am going to get so much heat for this but I feel like I'm not the only one who feels this way and I want them to know they're not alone so here it goes:

1. I am not any less a disciple of Jesus Christ because I am more liberal in my view points. Stop sending me articles about people who are anti-Mormon converting to church, about repentance when leaving the church or returning to activity. I AM AN ACTIVE AND CONTRIBUTING MEMBER OF THIS CHURCH AS MUCH AS YOU ARE. I keep my covenants, pay my tithing, attend the temple, partake of the sacrament and worship the same God as you. You and I have the same Heavenly Parents and Savior Jesus Christ. I love them as much as you do and maybe even more! Who really knows?! That's right no one and especially not you. You focus on your activity in the church, your relationship with God and your own salvation and I'll worry about mine. My salvation is not dependent on my political beliefs but on my obedience to the commandments and how I treat others.
2. "The world", "the adversary", "the devil", etc. is not interchangeable or synonymous with liberal or democrat. There are wicked men and women in ALL political parties who teach evil principles. Just because I am liberal does not mean I'm wicked or condone wickedness. Liberals do not exist to destroy righteousness and we are not the Great and Spacious building. We have not declared this imaginary holy war on all you hold dear and sacred, especially since mine are the same as yours!
3. Don't assume someone's reasons behind why they want certain legislation passed. I remember talking to another LDS liberal about the legalization of gay marriage and he sad, "I don't want the government to have that much power to define who loves who. It's not their place, it's God's."Here people assume that just because he wants equality for the LGBT community, he's a homo. When he states that he is pro-choice, he's automatically assigned the label 'baby killer'. When he states that he wants stricter gun laws, conservative members of the church assign the label "communist" or "fascist". When really all these stances he has taken is because he wants as little interference from the government as possible in the personal decisions of its citizens. In other words, he is pro-agency! He wants others to have the freedom to choose just like he would want that for himself.
4. Political beliefs are not church doctrine, so stop preaching them from the pulpit. Example: I was told from a high council member while attending a student ward at BYU-I that I would destroy the work of the Lord and His church if I voted democrat in anyway and he proceeded to tell the students how to vote. Trump is not ringing in the Second Coming nor is he doing God's work nor is he saving the world. That's all you, mingling the philosophies of men with scripture. If it doesn't come from the scriptures or directly from the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, you are preaching false doctrine.
5. If your political beliefs fill you with hate for any human being, then they are not in line with the teachings of the gospel. I'm going to leave it at that and have you interpret that as you will.
I want to end by explaining why a Mormon might in fact, be a democrat.

1. The main reason why I vote democrat is because I believe in universal healthcare. There are just some things that should not be for profit and one of those things is good health. Now that I live in a country with universal healthcare, I'll never live in the States again. Solely for that reason. People who tell you that the American healthcare system is the only way and that other countries have people waiting in lines suffering or dying on some list, is lying to you. I have a chronic disease and I am seen IMMEDIATELY. I have lived it and America's healthcare system preys on the sick and takes advantage of them.

2. I'm pro-choice because women NEED the right to make their own healthcare decisions independent of the government. No one is pro-abortion. Do I think that an abortion is morally wrong? Absolutely. Is it a form of birth control? Absolutely not. But it's not up to me what another woman chooses to do with her body and child. And for that matter I LOVE PLANNED PARENTHOOD! Abortions are not the only things they do! Pelvic exams, free STD testing, free pregnancy testing, affordable birth control etc. Either way, women will find a way to terminate a pregnancy. I would give 100% of my taxes to provide a low-income woman basic healthcare and that's what they do! (these facts come from their website at

3. Welfare. I heard the same conservative story. They saw someone on their iPhones texting with their fresh manicure wearing name brand clothes while using their food stamp card in line at Walmart. Just so you know, you just witnessed a very small percentage. Right wing politicians want to make tax cuts to welfare but 45% of welfare recipients are children in the system under the age of 18, 9% goes to the elderly over the age of 60 and 10% goes to disabled adults. That makes a collective of 74%!!! People who literally cannot work or provide for themselves. Let me ask you this... Did Jesus Christ ever turn someone away because of the way they were dressed? Whether too rich or poor? No. He commanded me and you to ALWAYS give to the poor. Let God do the judging. He's the only one who knows the whole story. (

4. I believe in stricter guns laws. No citizen should own a gun such as an AR-15. Some say it's a God given right and to you I ask, where does it say that in the scriptures? Conference talks? I couldn't find it anywhere. If you find, let me know. I'm not afraid of being wrong. In all honesty, if it was a God given right, he wouldn't given Adam an assault rifle from the beginning. Bottom line, the government would've have nuked us all a long time ago if it really wanted to get rid of us and guns that are meant for war, should stay there. I live in a country currently where they have strict guns laws. My father-in-law owns a gun. And they haven't had a mass killing since 1990.

5. I'm an isolationist when it comes to foreign policy. I loved that Obama pulled the troops out of the middle east and ended the "War on Terror". The most vague and useless war ever, right after the Vietnam and Korean war. It is my opinion, that any war after World War 2 has only been because some old guys up in Washington saw them useful for election. Thanks goodness them baby-boomers got rid of the draft or who knows what wars we would've been forced to fight since then!

That's my 2 cents. My opinion. Take it or leave it. That's why I'm a Democrat and can be as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Not the Church of Trump of Latter-day Saints or the Church of Jesus Christ of Conservative Saints. Yeah, I'm little defensive but enough is enough dude. Stop taking my political beliefs so personally and can we all just work to get to the Celestial kingdom together. I'll vote how I want and you vote how you want. Let's discuss this in a respectful, educated and calm manner. To my conservative friends, I love ya'll. You're what makes this nation great, along with us Democrats.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Dunedin Vlog

Hey guys! Go ahead and click here to see our latest vlog! ---> Dunedin Vlog

Here are some updates that we have for everyone about what's going on in our lives:

  • MY VISA CAME IN!!!! Yay! I only got approved for 6 months tho because we need to prove that we are established here. All my documents were leases from our apartments in the States along with my tax return and stuff. But at least I can stay a little longer stress free! I think I'm just going to apply for my residency tho!
  • My skin is doing the best it has on steroids but the moon face and the weight gain has been at its worst. Hopefully it will go away but I doubt it! Excited to see the dermatologist when he comes to the clinic.
  • We absolutely love it here and the culture that New Zealand has to offer. The people are so genuine. Everyone is just out to be happy and live the good life
  • The scenery and climate rocks. Whether you prefer the mountains, ocean, hills, plains, cold, warm, rainy, sunny etc. New Zealand is perfect for everyone!
  • We really have enjoyed just getting in our car and going on drives. There is so much to see here with all the different terrains this country has. It's nice because I haven't seen any of it and it's fun for T to discover new places he hasn't been.
  • Teaching seminary is going really good! The kids we teach are awesome! Everyone is learning a bunch of new things about the Book of Mormon.
  • T and I got our new phones finally. T got the iPhone 8 and I got the same but the plus. I freakin love it so much. Our latest vlog was all done my iPhone including the filming, editing and uploading. It is so easy! I'm in love!

This weekend we went down and spent Friday-Tuesday down in Dunedin at our parent's house. We shopped a little because my little sister's birthday is this month. I'm trying to get her package out by tomorrow or Thursday! We always spend a lot of money on food in Dunedin because there are so many good restaurants. I haven't found a place where I didn't enjoy the food. Watch our vlog to see the beautiful Dunedin and Portabello, New Zealand

Xoxo, Madz