Saturday, October 12, 2013

You Are Not Alone

Before you read my post, watch this video. Her bravery amazed me and I applaud her for being as brave as she is and sharing her story. I apologize for some of her language but her intentions are so very honorable.
I want you to take a moment and throw out religious, political or any back ground you have obtained. Since tonight I am posting about women, that is who I am assuming is my audience as well.
       First and most importantly I want you to say to yourself "I am a human being, no matter the choices I make, and I deserve to be respected and loved". It does not matter how you live your life or where your life journey has lead you, you are WORTH IT! It does not matter what anybody tells you or what you feel you deserve, you should be cared about and treated with dignity. If you don't believe in God then believe me when I tell you that there is one, you are His Daughter, He only has your best intentions in mind and HE LOVES YOU. He would never want anyone to hurt you or for your life to be miserable. Rape was not your choice or fault and was NEVER in His plan. Sometimes bad things happen and because he lets all His children choose their own destiny, one of His other children chose wrong and affected you in a way that makes God shed tears. You are precious beyond any comparison and you are LOVED.
      Second, you are strong enough to move on with your life. If you need help there are rape councilors that are more than willing to help you every step of the way. My favorite place to go when I feel like I can't go on is my Savior Jesus Christ. He loves you and knows exactly the pain you are going through. He helped me get rid of the pain when my best friend Olivia passed away due to someone else choosing to drive under the influence. Bad things happen but He has felt every single moment of hurt you have felt and He can help. There are those who can help you.
      Third, do not be afraid to stand up for yourself and put your abuser/offender where he should be. He deserves to feel the consequence for his choice. There are plenty of people in the world that would be more than happy to help you with that! I want you to know that if you don't get justice in this life, God will surely make his life a literal HELL when he passes on to the next life. I can promise you that.
      Last, goes out to the rest of society especially to men. No matter how "slutty", "trashy" or "demoralized" a woman can be she is still a human being and deserves to be treated as such. She deserves respect and should never, under any circumstance, be taken advantage of. It does not matter if she is sober or black out drunk if she does not give you permission to have sex of any kind, no matter what hole on her body you want to violate, it is rape. It is wrong.
To those who haven't had to endure the pain of rape/abuse there are ways we can prevent it as women.
      1. Try not to go anywhere alone especially if it's a party, club or a night on the town. If you are going alone say to the grocery store or happen to live alone always be aware of your surroundings. Bad things can happen at anytime, whether day or night, and it's not always a guy in a trench coat or a dark and hooded weirdo. Always proceed with caution.
     2. Know your limits and never pass it. This means drinking or smoking or anything that would cause you to loose control. If you are going to get black out drunk do it with a bunch of girl friends that you trust in one of your homes. Never ever under any circumstances except a drink from a stranger or go home with him. Promiscuity leads to terrible situations so do everything in your power to avoid them. If you see a woman being approached by a man and she is clearly not able to make good decisions then go up and ask her if she is okay. Then ask the douche bag trying to take advantage of her to get lost and get her a cab. We can prevent so many rapes by simply looking out for our fellow women.
     3. Always have your best interest in mind. Think about it. If it's a guy that you have never met and don't know, would it be in my best interest to home with him tonight? No matter if you are under the influence or not you should always think about your safety first. Is walking alone in this dark ally really the best decision for me? Instead maybe I should take the lighted sidewalk where there are more people and public. Is it in my best interest to be so under the influence that any bad in this world will probably happen to me? Have enough respect and love for yourself to always have your best interest in mind.
     4. Never give out your personal information to someone that you hardly know. If they can use that to track you or find you then you probably shouldn't give it out. Now I'm not saying to not have fun and take a chance by giving that cute boy your number. Just be cautious when giving it out. Be safe on the internet and always be cautious.
     5. Modesty never hurt anybody. Men are VERY visual and thoughts can turn into an action in a second. Present yourself with dignity and self respect. This simple prevention can save so many women. Your body is your greatest treasure so treat it like such! :)
     6. Be wise when it comes to your sexuality. My preference is sex under the holy bond of marriage but if you do not share my same beliefs at least be smart when you are having sex. Do not go home with a random guy you met at the club or go looking for trouble. Try your best to keep yourself safe. Being promiscuous is a risky choice so be very very careful ladies! Again have your best interest in mind.

Stay safe and never forget that I love each and every one of you! Together we can prevent rape. Remember that even the smallest light can illuminate the darkest room!
XOXO, Madison

P.S If you are looking for help the website to find a rape councilor
in your area is Also, if you need any additional
help, find a nearest member of the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-day Saints
and they can help you find a counselor in the church as well. Go to
Help is always available! XOXO!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Papers Are Submitted!

Finally! After the count down coming to an end, my papers are officially submitted! It is all thanks to my Savior and Heavenly Father because with out them I would have had the change of heart that lead me to my mission. I just wanted to post a short observation I noticed and I think will help me make better decisions in the the future. When you get interviewed for your mission the Stake President asks the same questions that he asks for temple recommends. The Spirit was so strong! So here is just a couple of things that I noticed during my interview the President Rolfe:

-    When President Rolfe said an opening prayer for the meeting I was instantly comforted, calmed and reassured that I was exactly where I was suppose to be. I could not get the huge smile off my face after he said that prayer. The Spirit took my breath away.
-    The fact that I could say "Yes" to his question "Do you obey the Word of Wisdom?" almost brought me to tears. The Word of Wisdom is a constant battle for me and to able to say "For now I am conqueror" was an amazing feeling. I felt like my heart was going to pop it was filled with so much joy.
-    The next question he asked was "Are you obeying the Law of Chastity?". The feeling that I could say yes with no doubt in my mind and no guilt because I have never broken it is indescribable. Even when I felt like I couldn't take it anymore I showed Satan who's boss on that commandment and it felt great to acknowledge that!
-    The opportunity I got to look back on these past 3 years and all of my life's challenges I have had to overcome made me grateful for my trials. Yeah, I probably would have served a mission anyways if I hadn't made the mistakes I have but because of those mistakes I can look the people I am teaching straight in the eye and say "I know following Christ is going to be hardest thing you will ever do but He will make it worth your while. He has never let me down and I know He won't leave you behind either."
-   Because of how I feel about my Savior Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father, I can not deny that this gospel is true. When I said "I have faith in my Savior Jesus Christ and God the Eternal Father" my heart started to patter and my eyes swelled up with tears. My body grew warm and I could feel my face turning red. The relationship I have with Jesus and God is the most precious and beautiful thing in my life. I feel their love as I obey the commandments and learn love through action. This process and journey has truly been the greatest blessing. I hope I can constantly feel what I felt today for the rest of my life!

Thank you to all of you who read my blog and have loved me through my bad times and during my good. I could not be the woman I am with out the blessing of having you in my life. Until next post!
XOXO, Madison

Monday, October 7, 2013

Prayers of The Heart

The past week has been so very stressful and it will continue to be stressful for who knows how long. Through all the chaos and difficulty I realized one thing... God knows the desires of my heart and wants me to be happy. I am going to tell 3 stories that is proof God answers the prayers of your heart.

1. General Conference was this weekend and although we need to listen to it no matter what I felt as though I needed it now more than ever. Something about conference relaxes me (partly because I never get dressed while I am watching it) and it comforts me when I am feeling inadequate for life's challenges. My manager had scheduled me to work 11am - 7pm on Sunday so I was sad that I was going to miss Conference and not be able to spend time with my family. A lady at  my work was asking about my plans this weekend and I said I don't work Saturday but I work Sunday. I didn't tell her about Conference or that I prefer not to work on Sunday. On my break she walks in and says "Madi would you like me to take your shift on Sunday? I heard you saying you were going on a mission for the Mormon church and I know Mormons don't work on Sundays. I don't do anything and all my husband does lately is watch football anyways." God had answered my prayers through Carol (my co-worker) and it almost brought me to tears. If you are reading this, thank you Carol for listening to your gut and helping me grow stronger spiritually.

2. Society seems to be taking out all of it's demoralization on women lately and as a woman I was feeling like poop. Sometimes you forget just how divine you are to God's plan and that you are a Daughter of a King. To Elder D. Todd Christofferson I am eternally thankful for how you nourished my testimony this General Conference. Your words inspire me to be a better woman, sister, daughter, and friend. If you haven't already, no matter if you are a member or not, listen to his words and it will give you the strength to become the best woman you can be. Once again God answered my prayers even when it was a silent one in my heart. It was EXACTLY what I needed to hear and has given me an push to try harder and enjoy life. (

3. I worked so much last week and have so many things due in my classes this week. One assignment I was stressing about the most was my Unit Test in my Math 121 class today. I had been studying all week but I still felt unprepared and I had to finish the essay that was due in my English class that I was suffering writer's block with. 10 minutes before class was suppose to start he emailed everyone saying that class was cancelled giving me an extra hour before the test to study and give me an extra 2 days to work on my essay.

A favorite scripture of mine is found in the Book of Mormon in the Book of Alma Chapter 37 verses 6 and 7 and it reads:
6 Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.
 And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls."
I pray that we all find joy in the simple blessings that make life delightful. Until next time
XOXO, Madison