Monday, October 7, 2013

Prayers of The Heart

The past week has been so very stressful and it will continue to be stressful for who knows how long. Through all the chaos and difficulty I realized one thing... God knows the desires of my heart and wants me to be happy. I am going to tell 3 stories that is proof God answers the prayers of your heart.

1. General Conference was this weekend and although we need to listen to it no matter what I felt as though I needed it now more than ever. Something about conference relaxes me (partly because I never get dressed while I am watching it) and it comforts me when I am feeling inadequate for life's challenges. My manager had scheduled me to work 11am - 7pm on Sunday so I was sad that I was going to miss Conference and not be able to spend time with my family. A lady at  my work was asking about my plans this weekend and I said I don't work Saturday but I work Sunday. I didn't tell her about Conference or that I prefer not to work on Sunday. On my break she walks in and says "Madi would you like me to take your shift on Sunday? I heard you saying you were going on a mission for the Mormon church and I know Mormons don't work on Sundays. I don't do anything and all my husband does lately is watch football anyways." God had answered my prayers through Carol (my co-worker) and it almost brought me to tears. If you are reading this, thank you Carol for listening to your gut and helping me grow stronger spiritually.

2. Society seems to be taking out all of it's demoralization on women lately and as a woman I was feeling like poop. Sometimes you forget just how divine you are to God's plan and that you are a Daughter of a King. To Elder D. Todd Christofferson I am eternally thankful for how you nourished my testimony this General Conference. Your words inspire me to be a better woman, sister, daughter, and friend. If you haven't already, no matter if you are a member or not, listen to his words and it will give you the strength to become the best woman you can be. Once again God answered my prayers even when it was a silent one in my heart. It was EXACTLY what I needed to hear and has given me an push to try harder and enjoy life. (

3. I worked so much last week and have so many things due in my classes this week. One assignment I was stressing about the most was my Unit Test in my Math 121 class today. I had been studying all week but I still felt unprepared and I had to finish the essay that was due in my English class that I was suffering writer's block with. 10 minutes before class was suppose to start he emailed everyone saying that class was cancelled giving me an extra hour before the test to study and give me an extra 2 days to work on my essay.

A favorite scripture of mine is found in the Book of Mormon in the Book of Alma Chapter 37 verses 6 and 7 and it reads:
6 Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.
 And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls."
I pray that we all find joy in the simple blessings that make life delightful. Until next time
XOXO, Madison

1 comment:

  1. I"m so thankful for Carol too! Conference was wonderful and I'm so glad you were able to watch it and learn and feel your burdens lightened by Christ and his tender mercies. You're making this mamma proud. :) Love you!!
