Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Week 4 at the MTC

Can you believe that I only have 2 more weeks before I get out into the field? Everyone is freaking out in our district because we know no Spanish! Thank goodness for the Gift of Tongues and the Holy Ghost during our lessons!

I hope and pray that everyone got a chance to watch Conference this weekend because it was totally AWESOME! I learned so much. As a missionary you are not only listening for yourself but for your investigators, your family and anything with a soul that you can teach the gospel to. It was exhausting but so much fun! Everything can be applied into our lives! I loved when they prayed for the missionaries! It was a confirmation to me that ALL missionaries were called and set apart by the power of God to teach this gospel. Such an amazing feeling to feel the support of the church. The one thing that really stood out to me was how urgent all the talks were. Whether it was strengthen your testimony, build your foundation on the Savior, spread the Gospel, or declare your beliefs they urge you to do it NOW. Do not procrastinate. The world is not going to get better so you need to do it now. Also to love our fellow men no matter the sin. I LOVED CONFERENCE. Oh and I also watched the General Women's Broadcast! I cried when the sang "Teach Me To Walk In the Light" since that's what I would sing to Lilly when she cried or sang to Brookie. I cried like a baby. You are just so vulnerable on your mission. I hate it. Hahaha. All the messages were so amazing but my favorite was Elder Neil L. Anderson's talk. So crazy good! If you haven't already, go and watch General Conference on

Our investigator's are going really well. We have 3 that are committed to baptism. One of our investigators name is Maria. Her husband drinks a lot, she has 2 sons and works to provide because her husband is unemployed. Every time we would ask her to pray she wouldn't and it was because she thought God was mad at her :( In my personal study, prayer and through personal revelation I have come to know that we have a loving Heavenly Father. He is not a punishing God, He just withholds blessings when we makes choices that lead us away from Him. All commandments are there for the purpose of bringing us closer to God by putting us in the place to feel His love and Spirit in our lives. Maria told us that she had tried to abort a baby back when she was younger because she didn't have a husband and that it didn't work. She then put it up for adoption because she knew she wasn't ready. Immediately after she had finished telling her story me and Hermana Baldwin looked at each other and it was like we knew exactly what each other was thinking. We taught the Plan of Salvation and focused on Christ's Atonement. The Spirit was so strong. It is instances like this where I am honored to be a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! God and these people trust us with their salvation. I love being a missionary.

Se que mi Salvador vive y por medio Su Expiacion pudemos volve vivir con Su y nuestro Padre Celestial. Se que JesuCristo viviendo para nos y ame nos. Se que Jose Smith fue llamamiendo de Dios y restuarado Dios Iglesia en la tierra en los ultimos dias. Amo mi Salvador y mi Dios con todo mi corazon. Dizo las palabras en el nombre de JesuCristo, amen.

Todo mi corazon y mi amor, Hermana Ritter

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