Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Hola, como estan?

Hola, como estan?

I woke up today thinking it was Sunday and not because this week went by so fast! Once my companion told me it was I got out of bed like it was Christmas morning! Thanks everyone for all the emails and support. It really means a lot to me.

So I had my first baptism and it was a really cool experience. Her name is Soccorro and her son that also got baptized is named Javier. She has 4 other children and is a single mom because her husband is in jail. I love them so much! Although I didn't teach them the whole time and didn't find them and felt a little awkward while we were all taking pictures because I felt like I didn't deserve the baptism... It felt great! But I think the best part is not the baptism... It's the next day when they receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is a GIFT from our a Heavenly Father and is our constant companion. He is the one that gets us to the temple which is our ultimate goal. Baptism is the gate and the Holy Ghost helps us stay on the path to eternal life. Oh how I love being an missionary.

The language is still really hard and I get frustrated a lot but my philosophy is this: I can either look like an idiot and sit there in silence orrrr I can still look like an idiot but try my best and let the spirit make up for my inadequacy. I didn't come on my mission to learn Spanish. I came here to invite others to come unto Christ through faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and preserving until the end. Spanish is simply a tool. I'm still feeling like the gringa but through the Atonement it's unnecessary to hold onto these feelings.

So this week was really hard for us. We are getting to the point where all of our investigators are either getting baptized or being dropped. We dropped ALL our investigators because they just we're not ready... It really was sad... We still have the volleyball family but we could never set up a specific time with them and when we would go to visit they would not answer or was not home. We have knocked so much this week and nobody hardly answered. Tuesday was really hard for me. I was home sick like crazy and I was so sad... Kinda pathetic really once I think back on all my blessings. Basically I had an emotional break down. The fact that Lilly is starting to walk and has two teeth now! I feel like I'm missing everything. But, no matter what Lilly is going to grow up and I'm going to have to start my own life. My life right now is my mission and I love it. It's the best choice I have ever made. We also got a new bishop and he's a gringo so the ward is having a little trouble with that. Sunday was the worst day I've had in my whole mission. Both of us companions our getting frustrated with ourselves because we are both changing and learning. We are great at being patient with each other just not ourselves. But we are working on it. I have come to love my companion and admire her for her patience and testimony. She is such an awesome trainer!

My family, my brothers and sisters and friends. I testify that God lives and that He loves us. He loves us so much that He sent His perfect Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the ultimate price. I know that our Savior loves us each individually. He died so He could know our hopes, our dreams, our pain and sorrow. He loves us and through Him all is possible. I know Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Through the prophet Joseph Smith we have the restored gospel. I love this gospel and can honestly say I have the best job in the world. That's being a missionary. It my prayer that those who read my email can feel the love I have for them and will be able to feel the love their Heavenly Father and Savior has for them. Alma 36:27. Read it, ponder it, and pray about it.

All my love,
Hermana Ritter

Ok and the video is us in the front of an inactive members house and she didn't answer but her dog was out front. This is just 30 seconds of this but before this video Hermana Alegrìa tried calling her to take a pic with her for like 10 minutes Hahahaha. So funny... So awkward now that I think about it... Hahahaha I'm dying right now! Oh well.

The one in the red is Soccorro and...
Javier... Is not in this pic...
I don't have one with him...
What the.. :( I just realized that...

Comp pic when we accidentally matched :)

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