Monday, May 26, 2014

The Awkward Life of Hermana Ritter

Hi everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your Memorial Day and the start of the summer... Well summer for Arizona started a month ago... Hahaha. Have all the fun I would be having on the lake for me and listen to Beyoncé and Lady Gaga for me aight ?!

I don't even know where to begin... I guess we can start with the worst day of my mission which was Monday. THE WORST. So there is the 15 year old boy with no arms that I met at an ice cream shop a week or so before that Monday. He was super friendly and asked all about mission life. Fast forward one week, We went to go translate at this Drunk Driving Seminar and I had fasted so hard the day before. I prayed so hard for the gift of tongues... Anyways it was at Granger High School which is out of our area so we had to get special permission. Well we had gotten there a little early so we were out in the cafeteria talking to people and just you know... Doing the missionary thing. Well the kid with no arms was talking to a police officer and so I went up to go talk to him. I said hi and he looked at me funny and I asked him if he remember me and he said "Yeahhh." I felt awkward so of course being Madi I started cracking jokes and it just got more awkward so I said see yeah later. The class ended up not needing us so we went to another class to see if they needed us and they ended up not needing us also. We decided to just sit in and listen. You know learn something. So the boy with no arms ended up being in that class. I went and I sat down next to him and asked how he was. He scooted away and started cussing. I told him to please watch his language, he's sitting next a missionary after all right? He continued to scoot away and cuss and so I got up, walked around and then sat down in the seat next to my companion. Well the boy ended up leaving. I had been so relieved because when he was there he kept staring at me, glaring and acting all weird. It took all my power not to look that boy in the eye and say "didn't yo mama teach ya staring is rude!" But I didn't and I continued to smile. At one time he asked Hermana Alegrìa who our mission president was. So I'm guessing he was a member... Probably less active idk... Well the kid returns and he's standing in the doorway. He points at someone and the girl gets up to go talk to him. He says no I want the girl in the bright pink, which was me. So me and Hermana Alegrìa get up and go to talk to him. HE JUST LAYS IT ON ME. He says "I just want to let you know I'm reporting you to your mission President. You were glaring at me and my friends and you are suppose to be a representative of Jesus Christ and represent him in an awesome way. I'm going to report you, you're a terrible missionary, I hope you go home and stay there because your shouldn't be on your mission. I hope you and this church goes to hell." He also cursed at Jesus Christ and said some other things that were.. Well... Sounded anti-Mormon. For those of you who know me well, you will be surprised to know that I didn't sock that kid right in the face or tell him he can take his opinion and stick it where the sun don't shine. I didn't. I just took it. Turned the other cheek.Afterwards, we had an appointment with a less active and right as we pulled into the driveway I broke down. I haven't cried like that since who knows when. I couldn't stop, it was so embarrassing! Hahaha. That kid really got in my head and stayed there til about Thursday.

Being in the field my testimony has been tested, stretched and questioned. But I do have one. As missionaries we have a huge target on our back and it's because people see our name tags and think we are all of their bad experiences with the church. I'm sure that boy was just hurt and I was a target, who knows. Is if weird to say I still love that kid even after he was mean? Sometimes we mistake our testimony being tested with the thought that we don't have one. I thought I didn't have a testimony when I questioned my reason for being here on a mission and what I know to be true. That's ok! Isn't Heavenly Fathers invitation in the Book of Mormon, to ask if these things are true? It is! (Moroni 10:3-5) the fact of the matter is... Conviction is a lifetime of searching, progressing, diligently obeying the commandments of God and asking in fervent prayer if these things are true.

My invitation this week is if you feel as though you don't have a testimony or your testimony is weak... Go back to the basics. Read the Book of Mormon all the way through and pray to know the truth. Even if you've been a member your whole life. The Book of Mormon and it's invitation to know God should not be accepted and merely experimented on once. It should be a constant search for knowledge from God. Pray nightly and pray with intent. Go to church and actually listen. Don't sit there on your phone Snapchatting or Facebooking. It's your salvation and it's up to you whether you get the best in this life and the life to come. Doing these things has changed my life and the experiences I have had in my mission.

Today is the 3 year anniversary of Olivia's passing and I just want to bare you my testimony that I know I will be with my best friend again. I will see her and we will take naps and eat all the apples and peanut butter we want in Heaven. I miss her so much and there are days where I feel like I came go on... But with the help of my loving Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ I have just enough strength to do what They would have me do. I know that through this gospel and the teachings of Jesus Christ we can change our lives for the better and know true happiness. God, our Heavenly Father, loves us and wants only the very best for us. I know Joseph Smith was called of God and translated God's word, the Book of Mormon, which is another testament of Jesus Christ. God's power is on earth again and it is found in the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints with Jesus our Savior at its head. I love the message I share and being a missionary. I love all of you!

Hermana Madison Ritter

First Companionship dinner! We have always had a dinner appointment so yesterday was our first dinner

Selfie with Leslie :)

36 inch pizza for district meeting. Por que no? :)

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