Monday, July 14, 2014

Let's Get This Party Started - Transfer #3

  Holy guacamole! Transfer #3! And I'm not getting transferred! Me and Hermana Alegrìa are staying together for another 6 weeks! Woot woot.. Woot woot! We are having so much fun out here. Hermana Alegrìa is such a good example to me and we honestly love this are so much. We thought one of us was getting transferred but we were so excited to find out that we are both staying! We are working super hard! :)

   This week was really great but for some reason... We went to Temple Square a lot and for some reason... Every time I watch God's Plan for the Family I'm crying at the end. I guess as a missionary it's so much easier to see the eternal perspective. We took Michael to the temple and showed him the movie. The spirit is always so strong with the last video clip when you see the daughter getting married and how all the family members have all these different relationships with her. Ugh, I cry like a baby. But what I love the most is being able to testify of the things that we watch. This is a gospel of happiness and love. God wants our families to be together forever and through covenants we can return to live with him.

  Saturday was Patricia's baptism and it was such a beautiful day! She was so excited and ready. The talks were so good and then I always love when they take those steps into the font and turn around and look at you. When you grow with them and help them know their Savior that look says it all. All the excitement and happiness in their eyes for the future. It's the moment that makes being a missionary all worth it. You share a special bind between them that can never be broken. I love these people so much and when it comes down to it.. They are worth it. The homesickness from missing my family, the exhaustion at the end of the day from being in the sun on a bike, gaining 15 pounds because you eat so much Hispanic EVERYDAY, the struggle to keep your eyes open to study in the mornings just so you can teach them in the Lord's way and every door slammed in your face. ITS ALL WORTH IT.

   I love our Savior Jesus Christ and for a short 18 months I get to represent Him. My calling has power to change lives and it is through this calling that I see a change in myself as well. There is nothing like it and I hope every young man and woman aspires to be a missionary because it's the best job in the world! I hope every one has a good week! Until next! Remember who you are what you stand for!

Hermana Ritter

Patricia's Baptism


Taking the Trax for the first time

I saw this picture and I said "Oh my goodness, my moms are going to love this picture. I can just see it on the wall." Hahaha.

Happy Birthday Socorro!!!

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