Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Tips For The College Student

If you think you have to be super smart to be successful in college, you're wrong. Anyone can rock college. It's all about habits and good decisions. Here are some tips and tricks to help you find triumph the next however long you have at University.

- The best advice my dad ever gave me was to treat school like a job. If you want to keep your job you show up on time, get your projects done by the due date and you never miss a day of work unless you really have to. I can honestly count on one hand how many times I have actually missed class. It is so important to go to class because most professors test you on what they say during the lecture than what is on their PowerPoints. Plus, going to class helps you to take it more seriously and keep track of your assignments.

- Get organized. The classes that I didn't get as good of grades in, are the ones where I forgot assignments or didn't stay on top of the class schedule. I usually get a planner and write down all the major assignments for the semester. Then the Sunday at the beginning of each week I write down the little homework assignments due in between all the projects and papers. Writing down things and keeping a schedule helps you get in a rhythm. It also helps with my anxiety. Because I know that I have everything in my planner, once I'm done I check it off and I no longer have to think about it.

- Have your priorities in line. My rule is work during the week and then I can play all weekend. The occasional going out with friends on a Tuesday or Wednesday night is fine but I always do most of my work on weekdays. Majority of the assignments I've missed have been on the weekends. I would try to get all your school work done Thursday or Friday. If you have plans that weekend or are going out of town, don't expect yourself to do it during your trip. Just plan ahead and get it done. If your friends wanna go out but you haven't studied for a test yet, put your test first. After you graduate, you'll be able to relax more and have more free time. Bust it out now and you'll be rewarded later.

- When you feel overwhelmed in a class or not matter how hard you work you get bad grades, don't be afraid to see a tutor. You may be the smartest kid in the world but some professors just don't communicate what they are looking for. See a TA for what the professor is really grading on and what you should focus on when studying or writing your essays. Don't let your grade get to the point where you can't recover it. You can always tell in the first 3 weeks whether the class is going to be easy or hard for you. As soon as you feel like you can't do it on your own, schedule an appointment with the class TA or tutor.

- It's okay to not have your major figured out in the first or second semester. The general classes are there to help you explore and find your passion. Take the time to get to know what you are interested in, do job searches and see what suites your future. I thought I was going to be a nurse and then I took a World Foundations class that taught about world religions and cultures. I changed my major to International Studies after that class. Don't stress about it. You'll figure it out.

- Student debt is not a bad thing. Think of your education as an investment. Through your education you'll get the career you want with a steady salary, more money and stable finances. It will provide for your family and yourself for the rest of your life. Getting an education will set up more opportunity in your future than you could imagine.

- Education is a privilege. There are many people who have cultures, circumstances and lives that do not make education available to them. Appreciate the opportunity to grow spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally as you move forward in your education. For me, my education has made me a better person and that's more valuable than anything this world can offer.

These 7 points are what have seen me to success in my secondary education. I firmly believe that if you apply these points to your education, you will find prosperity and fulfillment in your college journey. It will challenge, stress you out and you'll wanna abandon ship all the time. It is SO worth it. I am a better family member, spouse, colleague, employee and friend because I went to college.

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