Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Truth About Married Life

We live in a society where marriage and family are frowned upon. In any sitcom or TV show, marriage is seen as a burden or being tied down. Many marriages portrayed in the media and unfortunately in reality as well, don't last. The man who decides to marry the love of his life is seen as the fool who ruins his chances of sleeping around. Movies now have plots that center around the wife going after an old flame and cheating on her husband. Married couples are seen as boring and mundane. Unhappy. In the world we live in, there is NOTHING special about marriage and that's what they want you want think. That't how the generation before us treated their marriages and now we have the chance to change this. I'm here to tell you that marriage is AMAZING. I have never had so much fun in my life or have been happier. This topic was actually my husband's idea. I asked him what I should write and he said to "tell everyone how fun and awesome being married is". Here are some of the best reasons why marriages is literally the best thing ever.

1. For me, it was so important that I married my best friend and I think this has a lot to do with success in a marriage. At the end of the day, will you enjoy eating dinner and watching Netflix with this person? Can you hold a good conversation? Is there a friendship behind the hormones and the intimacy? I can honestly say that if it were between my very best girlfriend or my husband, I would hang out with my husband. I love being married to T because he just gets me. He knows when I need space, he knows what to do when I'm stressed out, he knows my likes and dislikes and he knows what my motivations are. He knows me best. I love coming home to that kind of friendship. It's a companionship that you won't find anywhere else. You start to have inside jokes and find common interests. You form habits together and get in sync. Marriage is having a partner in life. A friendship that you promise each other for a lifetime.

2. I'm going to come out and say it, the sex. Making love to the person that you care most about is the best feeling in the world. I come from a culture where young people wait until they are married to have sexual relations of any kind and I treasured that. I believe it's what makes marriage so much fun. It allows you to get know your partner on such a deeper level and makes an emotional connection that you just can't put into words. It's something so special and sacred and yet so vital to marriage. So don't think that getting married kills your sex life. I will always think my husband is the most handsome and sexiest man ever. As my wise high school Spanish teacher once said, "It doesn't stop, it just gets better!"

3. Marriage is freedom. I know this sounds weird but I have been single, dating, engaged, and married. I have never felt more free to be myself, be an adult and make my own decisions until I married T. I don't know why but people tend to treat you differently once your married. They back off and let you do your own thing. The only person you are responsible to is your spouse and you make those decisions together. It has been so liberating for both me and my husband to create our own lives together and that's how it should be. If you don't feel like your family is giving you your space if you're already married, try setting boundaries. We've done that both up front and gradually in our situation and it's been so nice. We love being independent together and figuring things out.

4. Support. Support. Support. Being a single college student and trying to make it on my own just felt overwhelming at times and I felt so alone. It's the best thing in the world to have someone who will share your burdens and help you through those hard times. The financial side is great but it's the emotional and spiritual support that I'm talking about. Someone you can talk about your problems to, think out loud to, express yourself to. You don't have to make decisions alone anymore and with open communication, I believe any marriage can be the happiest times of your life. No matter if you're single or married, trials and adversity will come in life. Marriage is the best because you don't have to take on life on your own. You have someone there to share some of the weight.

5. Marriage is what you make of it. T and I promised each other that we would enjoy marriage and do whatever it takes to keep it that way. If you go into marriage thinking it's going to be miserable, then you're right. It's going to be a suckfest. So in order to make each other happy, you talk things out. You resolve your issues and throw away your pride. You take care of whatever obstacle is in the way of a happy marriage. Marriage itself is not what makes men unhappy, men makes marriage unhappy. I love marriage because it has taught me to choose to be happy and make someone else happy. It has taught me to be selfless and think of another before myself. It has made me feel more confident about myself and has helped me become a better version of myself. I love marriage because it makes me happy and I have the choice on whether I can make that happen or not.

It is so important to know that marriage is challenging but I think that we associate that word with unhappiness or that we won't enjoy that activity. I think back to my mission and how challenging that was but it was because it required more than just the bare minimum from me. It required some effort and change on my part. Marriage is the same way. It can require more than you have ever given and commitment to someone else. I love being married and I love my husband. No matter what the media or society may tell you, being married is the best thing ever! It's up to you to make it that way and put in the work!

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