Monday, June 2, 2014

First Transfer Done

Hi guys... How is everyone? :)

So it's already been 6 weeks and I feel like it was only 2... Seriously. I'm amazed at how much a person can change in that short amount of time. It has been the best time of my life and the hardest. I have seen the hands of God molding me into the servant that He wants me to be. OH HOW I LOVE THIS GOSPEL. I know with all my soul it's true.

We had so many lessons this week and most of them were with members! The spirit was so strong and my Spanish is getting so much better. I'm learning to love the language and the people who speak it. My favorite lesson this week would have to be... With Juana Bernal. This lady is 75 years old and loves to praise Jesus at the top of her lungs. We hadn't seen her for 3 weeks because she was in the hospital and we had also read 3 Nephi 13 with her which talks about prayer. She got really mad at us and told us that we don't pray as loud and as frequent as she would like. Well, Thursday we visited her and had a super good lesson on how the Holy Ghost talks to us. Her daughter's testimony was so strong and she was really receptive to the message. Last night we came back again and we read the same chapter with her. She started to cry. The other daughter that she has moved to Cali and she would go to church with her. That church kept telling her that if the Spirit was talking to her it would be loud and overcome her body. Like really weird stuff. She was so confused and then finally she said she felt like she felt the spirit. It was quiet, soft and peaceful. LOVING. Ugh, I love that woman so much! She started crying and we all hugged. Soooooo cheesy but I loved it. It was so nice and I don't even remember what was said. Oh how I love these people!

I've been reading the Old Testament every morning now and WOW! I love the prophets of old! I've already finished Genesis and I'm in Exodus when Moses first starts his ministry as a prophet. Come to find out you can relate to prophets back before Christ came. When Moses was called to gather the people of Israel out of Egypt he says:

 10 ¶And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.

Sometimes we feel as though we are not qualified or good enough to do the work of The Lord but this is what he has to say to us:
11 ¶And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the Lord?
12 ¶Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.
 (Exodus 4:10-12)

At the beginning of this transfer I had no idea what my role or purpose was. I hadn't realized the weight and importance of my calling. To me I was a 19 year old girl who had prayed to know the truth. I didn't know my potential and that I could change lives. I may not know much about life but there some things I do know. With all the fervor of my soul I know that God, our loving Heavenly Father, lives and He loves each and every one of us personally. His Son, Jesus Christ, cares so much for us that He gave His life so we could make the best out of ours. This is THEIR church RESTORED through the Prophet Joseph Smith and by the power of God he did translate the Book of Mormon. I know that the Book of Mormon brings hope, joy and happiness to all mankind. Through this book we can all come to know the Savior and love Him because we KNOW Him. Guys, I wouldn't want to serve anywhere else other than right here in Salt Lake City, Utah. This is the best decision I have ever made. Yes, it's exhausting. Yes, I've gained 500 pounds. Yes, I am missing my family. Yes, I miss Tupac and Lady Gaga. But... WHO CARES?! I have the best job in the whole entire world and that is loving the children of God and teaching them about the love He has for them. I love being a missionary and I love all of you.

Hermana Ritter

P.S Me and Hermana Alegrìa are staying. Not getting transferred this time :)

Hahaha, this kid doesn't smile. He's the son of Lucia who we are teaching right now.
 I got him to smile the other day :) you, cause babies love me.

Blowing bubbles.

Lol... Cheesy Weekly Planning selfie.

Took Maria to the temple. Seriously, love that girl.

Haha Fabian.

Got your package mom (Kendra) and dad :) thank you so much!

Hermana Alegrìa says thank you ritter family!

Saturday we took Maria and Adriana to the temple square this week and wow! It was the most spiritual lessons I've had. We centered our lesson on the mutual teem from last year. Stand in Holy Places and seriously... It went so good. I saw Sister Park (Macy) but I didn't say hi or get a pic because she was teaching! :( maybe I'll run into her in another lesson!

Got to meet the mayor of the city of West Valley on Monday which was pretty rad. 
Also the dog that says no to drugs. Don't know his name lol.

Mom (Nikki) I actually went cross eyed! Woot woot!

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