Monday, June 16, 2014

Esta semana fue loco!

Guys... This week was crazy I don't even know where to begin...

We put Lucia and Patricia on a baptism date! My first investigators that I have found, come to know and love, taught them from the beginning, watch them grow to know their Savior and choose to have gospel in their lives. I love them so much and am so proud of them. Patricia came to church for the first time and she loved it. She is always watching her grand-kids and so she brought them with. Lucia had to work so her daughter was with us. Well they loved sacrament meeting and when it came time to go to primary she started sobbing and even when she was with her grandma in primary she cried the whole time. Well we decided to take them for a walk around the church and then just drop Patricia off in gospel principals and then take Angie (the one crying) with us back to primary. It worked! She was scared at first but we told her we were there with her to help love primary. That's when she started to really like it. But then they couldn't stay for the last hour so they had to leave but they came! We were so happy to see them. I was jumping up and down. The best part was that it was a member referal and she came to church because she felt the love through us and the member. Seriously, the best!

Okay moms of mine... Don't freak out but last night I ended up in the hospital... The whole day I felt fine and after church we went to go eat dinner. We had BBQ ribs. Something other then rice and beans! But I didn't even eat that much because I wasn't hungry. But after dinner... Holy cow. We had already left and knocked on some doors. We were on our way to visit a less active when my stomach hurt so bad i almost fell off my bike. We decided to go to the less-active house and ask if she had any medicine. She wasn't there and so we sat down thinking it would go away. It didn't. I felt like I was going to throw up and so I ran to the backyard so no one could see me. The pain was so bad I got dizzy and fell over. After that I couldn't get up and the pain got worse. Dad, it was like the one time my junior year when you took me to the emergency room. But, Hermana Alegrìa started calling people and no one was close to us. Finally, our mission leader answered and he brought the YM president with them along with his wife. When they got there I was screaming in pain. They gave me a blessing and rushed me to the clinic only to be sent to the emergency room. It was funny because at first I couldn't answer in English. They thought I only spoke spanish, but anyway... I get to the emergency room and the gave me morphine. I felt better after that of course. We ended up in the hospital for 5 hours running tests and they did an ultra-sound and the diagnostic was that I had a huge cyst on my ovary that I had obtained through the stress of the change in life-style and some other stuff. Because of how much biking I've been doing it exploded and bled into the lining of stomach. I'm okay today... Feeling super weak, head ache and nausea from the morphine and my body hurts from shaking because of the pain. The Elders just stopped by and gave me a blessing for the sick so everything is going to be alright!

Lesson learned: Love cures all. Through out all my pain Hermana Bautista was rubbing my back and Hermano Bautista was telling me it's going to be ok. When the pain was super bad and I was shaking they would hold my hand. The same can be applied to less-active and investigators! If we treated the less active members and investigators like they treated me our chapels would be full. Most people leave the church because of pain and trials they are having. Instead of a back rub, we visit them. Instead of holding their hand, help them through their trials. We tell them it's going to be ok and we invite them to come unto Christ once more. It is through our LOVE through our ACTIONS that people can come to know their Savior. Love cures all and we can feel our Heavenly Fathers love through the priesthood. After they had given me a blessing and I was screaming in pain I could still hear the soft whispering of the Holy Ghost telling me everything was going to be okay. The priesthood is love and through love I was cured. Through love we can cure others.

I testify with all that I have that this church is true. The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints is God's church restored on the earth today. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are at its head. I testify that the power of the priesthood is real. Our Heavenly Father is a God of miracles. He loves us and wants the best for us. The best is His gospel my brothers and sisters. We come to know Him and His Son through His word.. The Book of Mormon and the Holy Bible. I love this gospel and the peace it brings to my life. I love you all!

Hermana Ritter

"The field is already white to harvest" doctrine & covenants 4

The kids to took the pic above hahahahaha so random!

Picking cherries yum! Que rico¡

Having fun at weekly planning. An elder took our pictures because he wants to catch our racial expressions. Supposedly we tell stories really good hahaha.

Hermana Alegrìa learning how to shoot a bow. Lol. She loved it.

Selfie after the morphine.

After the morphine. Hahaha. Diana, then Melissa and then Hermano Castro their dad. He's the YM President.

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