Monday, June 23, 2014

Week 15

Not much really happened this week except the fact that is was really hard. Satan was working on us really good this week. After Monday things did not get better.. I still had problems with my stomach and was not sleeping very good. This made it so hard to wake up, exercise and study. I felt alone being this sick and away from home. I was scared. Yesterday, I finally got up on time and studied with all my might to learn something. Here is what I learned:

1. Patriarchal blessings should be a goal for every member of the church. This was such a comfort to me in my time of difficulty and I learned so much about my Heavenly, my Savior and myself when I read it during this time.

2. Fear and loneliness are not of God. Our Heavenly Father does not want us to be unhappy in this life and those feelings do not come from Him. They come from Satan. He wants us to think that we can't be the person Heavenly Father wants us to be. He wants us to fear and believe that the power of God cannot triumph over evil.

3. Prayer, scripture study &church attendance are the foundation of our testimonies. If you are having a hard time right now... Ask yourself the following:
              - How are my prayers? Am I even saying them?
              - Do I diligently search the word of God?
              - Am I not only physically attending church but mentally as well?
As missionaries we get asked so many times what can they do to better their lives. People think it's this massive formula that's huge and complicated. It's simple. Search the scriptures, say your prayers with real intent and go to church and actually listen. Alma 37:6-7.

I bare my testimony that God lives and loves His children. He called Joseph Smith as a prophet to restored His and His Son's church again on the earth. The Bible and the Book of Mormon hand in hand is the fullness of Their gospel. Christ is the only Begotten Son of God and when we build upon Him as our foundation we cannot fall. Sending my love to you all!

De mi corazón,
Hermana Ritter

Our ward mission leader took us to Sonic after a lesson and we didn't get home til 11 >:)

We made a poster for commitments with ward members. So fun!

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