Monday, June 30, 2014

Best Week Ever!!

This letter might be a little longer than usual... Proceed with caution !

Okay so our week started off so fun! We went to Ensign peek for P.Day with Diana and Melissa. We had a blast and then we came home and passed out. We were so tired and my faced ended up being sunburned. Then on Tuesday I had an interview with my mission President and I seriously love that man! He reminds me so much of Grandpa. He teases all the missionaries like Grandpa does and sometimes I just sit there and stare because he totally says things Grandpa would say. It scared me. Tuesday we found a new investigator and we gave him a pamphlet and said he loved everything about it. He wants to talk with us about the church and stuff! Wednesday and Thursday we had the best lessons the whole time me and Hermana have been here. We are teaching this family who the mom on the edge of inactivity and the dad is our investigator. She has 2 kids from her previous marriage and then they got married and had a baby together. They are almost exactly like our family! I always like holding their baby... Even though the white handbook says not to... I need to repent... Hahaha.. Anyways I love holding their baby because it reminds me of Lillian. Their baby always reaches for me and loves playing with me. KENDRA! Even here these babies love me!

Well, here is why I am telling so much about them... I love them so much. So much. We had a lesson centered around baptism and invited the dad to be baptized. He said no but he said the only reason why he said no was because he doesn't know for himself if the church is true yet! After he rejected us his wife shared her testimony and how one day she knows they will get to the temple. He ended the lesson with the prayer... Guys... It was the most sincere, humble, powerful prayer with real intent. He prayed like he was talking to God. I started to tear up while he was praying and then I cried afterwards when we were walking home. I love that family so much and I know that he will be baptized one day. We were skipping home even after we were rejected because when you love the people that doesn't matter!

Friday and Saturday we had really good lessons but Sunday was the best. Francisco Duarte came to church for the first time! And it was because the member extended the invitation and told him he would be waiting for him at church saving him a seat. We had amazing lessons with members this week... Seriously so bomb...
So, today we were getting a ride from a Senior couple and they put on the soundtrack for Frozen! I almost died I was so happy! Anyways, it really had me thinking...

You know in the part where Ana gets to the castle of ice that Elsa built. In the song they sing Ana is telling Elsa the whole time she is singing that she is right there so she doesn't have to be alone and she will do anything to help her feel like she is loved. BUT, the whole time Elsa is so focused on what she can't do and who she thinks she isn't that she doesn't see her sister stretching out her arms to help her. How many times have we a Frozen our hearts and locked our selves away in a castle and the Savior has come as Ana has for her sister? How many times has he said "I'm right here" but we are so busy focusing on ourselves? In the end of the movie what saves Ana from the curse of the Frozen Heart is when Elsa focuses on some one else other than herself and she finds she had more power than she thought.

We come to know our Savior by serving our brothers and sisters who need our help. Our power comes from Him and the pure love He has for each and everyone of us. In the Book of Mormon there is a scripture Mosiah 2:17 which says "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are in the service of your God." I love that! The zone leaders asked us what we did different this week so they could give advice to other missionaries who are struggling. We couldn't think of anything other than we got lost in the love we had for the people we are serving and serving with. So lost that I didn't know what day it was Friday hahaha. When we loose ourselves in serving others we come to find ourselves.

I love this work and know it is of God. I know He lives, loves and knows us each personally. I can not wait til the day I can see Him and give Him a big ol' hug and say I did it like I will with my dad when I get home in 14 months! My mission has changed me and I'm not even a third of the way through! Sending my love and prayers your way!

Hermana Ritter

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