Monday, August 11, 2014

Interesting Week

Hola Amigos! How is everyone doing? I hope everyone is doing good!

  Well... This week has been nothing but eventful... I guess I'll off
Friday so you'll get the whole picture. Last Friday, we had exchanges
the sister training leaders and I found 2 more people to teach which
is really awesome. Then Saturday morning we go to have lesson and the
lady ended up not being there so we headed back to our apartment. Not
even kidding, with in 10 feet of their house the Sister Training
Leader got a flat tire and then within another 10 feet my bike
received a flat tire. So we call the Cotners, they drop off my bike to
get it fixed at the bike shop because my tire needed to be trued, then
took Hermana Sosa's bike to their house to fix it and gave us new
bikes to use Saturday and Sunday because mine wouldn't be ready til
Monday. With all that we go on our way and we contact this referral
and we are talking to her on her porch trying to get to know her. All
of the sudden you hear this BOOM! It literally sounded like someone
got shot. So thinking that a gun went off the Lady says we can come in
to get some juice. We end up having a really good lesson and go to
leave only to find that it was Hermana Sosa's bike tire that had
exploded. Soooo ridiculous. So we leave the bikes there and end up
walking anyways until Monday. We got to play volleyball for
again. It feels so great! I miss it...

  So we get our bikes Monday and we have a great FHE and then the next
day we have an 11 o'clock lesson with Claudia and Raul and we are
actually going there to tell them that we are dropping them. Well on
our way there I go to get in front of Hermana Sosa so she can follow
me because she's still new to the area but... I miss judge how high
the curb was. I completely eat it. I flew over my handle bars and got
my chin, hands and knees pretty good. Lucky I crashed in front of a
physical therapy place so one guy helps me in, they patch me up and I
get on my bike to go to the appointment we are currently late for. We
get to their house and they're sleeping. Won't answer. Well my head
started hurt really bad and there was no way I could get back up the
hill so I call my District Leader and he happened to be with a member
getting pizza in a truck. They take our bikes and the Zone Leader he
was with knew an English speaking sister that could help. So she
patches me up even more and the Elders gave me a blessing. The sister
took us home and told me to take a nap so I could feel better.Can I
just say how much I am grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost? We get
home and I go to lay down but I had a feeling that I shouldn't and I
needed to call Sister Swain. By his time my head and jaw are hurting
really bad. So I call her, she calls a senior couple and they take me
to the Clinic. Long story short I was in the hospital because of a
concussion. It was so embarrassing! Hahaha..

   But the reason that I wanted to share this story was not to worry
my mom and all of you guys but to testify. In the blessing given by
the Elders, I clearly remember him saying "These next few moments of
this challenge are going to be hard but this experience was given to
humble you to know that God is very close and He loves you." I knew
this transfer was going to be SO hard. I knew it the moment we
started. By no means did I know that it was going to be this hard. I
know God lives and loves me personally. He was there those night when
I couldn't even shower without crying, those mornings when my head
felt like it was going to explode or those afternoons where I wanted
to go out and teach but I couldn't because of the Doctor's orders. I
learned how to use the atonement in a completely new light this week.
I grew closer to my Savior and Heavenly Father just through a stupid
bike accident. Yeah, I'm not going to have every single transfer be
like the ones with Hermana Alegrìa or have the relationship we did.
I'm not going to always have a companion that's focused on the work.
I'm not perfect and sometimes will fall.. Literally and spiritually
hahaha 😜👍 but I know that when I try MY best in all that I do that
Heavenly  Father will bless the area. I know it's going to all work

  I love this gospel so much and in every way, shape and form it is
perfect. WE WILL HAVE TRIALS. I can promise you that but what makes
the difference is our confidence in our Savior and His sacrifice He
gave for every single one of us. I love you all and hope to hear from
you! The church is true!

Hermana Ritter

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