Monday, August 4, 2014

Quick Letter

  So this week has been the most stressful horrifying week of my
life... Not true but it was horrible emotionally. I am such a wreck.
It's hard when your companion was so experienced and obedient and was
so loved. Now it's me who barely knows the area and my comp is really
struggling. She is TRUNKY! Hahaha.

  It was pouring rain Monday and Tuesday while we were trying to find.
Then it was exchanges on Friday and I stayed. Exchanges were really
fun! Then the next Morning both me and Hermana Bauserman got flat
tires so we took our bikes to the bike shop and replaced them with
other ones til Monday. But! Wait for it... While we were teaching a
lesson at the door we heard a noise like someone got shot. So the lady
let us in and when we went to get on our bikes we had a pleasant
surprise that her bike tire exploded.

  I'm a little out of my comfort zone right now and I feel like I'm
learning but only learning through failure hahaha. I am so very
grateful for this opportunity to learn and grow from my mission. Yes,
we all go through a little rough patches in our lives but with the
Saviors help we can get through anything. I know my letter is really
short but I am running out of time. We had a lot of stuff to do today.
I love you all and an sending my love a prayers your way!

Hermana Ritter

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