Monday, September 29, 2014

Pictures... September 2014

Omgoodness... Is not this the cutest voice you have ever heard! I love
her so much!

 Because we were so busy we didn't even take pics of Anita in her
little white jumper! So sad! We were too busy cleaning up the water
but we took pics after :)

 Seriously, I love this old lady so much I can hardly stand it. She is
76 years old and can talk for twice that long. She always calls us her
angles when come to visit her every Friday at 4!

 Eventful baptism... Accidently overfilled the font... My district
leader was sooooo mad.... But we still had the baptism!

 It was also poring rain! I have a feeling it's just going to get colder!

 After Anita's baptism we took Patty, Anita, Natalie and Juana Franco
to the Women's Conference and had a blast! We then went to Denny's and
had a little girls night. I said I would pay for Hermana Franco and
home girl kept choosing the $15 dollar steak meals. Hermana Valdivia
convince to get the $7 one instead! Thank goodness!

 Left to Right: Hermana Mena, Patty, Juana Franco, Hermana Valdivia,
Natalie, Me and Anita

 When YW have your iPad during a lesson :) :) :)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Long time no email!

Well actually.. I just didn't send one last time... My bad! Sometimes
you just get so caught in doing things that you forget you actually
have a family at home..

This week was super duper fun! We taught a lot and had some really
good lessons. Updates on Francisco Benavidas: he is doing really good
and has such a desire to learn. He used to be in the military and has
so much knowledge of the world. He tells us all these stories about
how he used to serve in the Middle East and how much he learned from
the different religions. His stories are so beautiful! We had a church
tour with him where we come on a weekday to the church and show him
around teaching the purpose of each room. My favorite was when we
taught him in the sacrament room and how important repentance is.
Updates on Anita: She is golden! Today we are going over at 5 to go
over baptismal interview questions. Last week we went over to get her
baptismal program ready and she already had everyone picked out in her
little folder she made for all her church stuff! She is so ready!

We were at the temple so much too! Last Saturday we went to do
baptisms for the dead with Marlene and then she wanted to do the
endowments for her dad this Saturday. We got there right when she told
us to and then we waited for her... And waited... And waited! An hour
later she texts us saying she couldn't go because she has a headache.
And we are all the way in temple square! So me, Mena and Alegria did
an endowment session just us girls and then went to go get something
to eat since our ride wouldn't be there til forever! Then we went to
the re-dedication of the Ogden temple Sunday and seriously... Life
changing! Even though the first one I was kinda dozing off the second
one was really good! My favorite part was before when they played
tabernacle choir and showed the celestial room! Patricia Cortès came
and sat next to me. It was so awesome to see her there and listening
so well. Her sister in law and her niece also came but it was
different for them... The whole time the mom was fidgeting and not
really paying attention, braiding her daughter's hair and talking...
It made me think... A lot of our less actives always talk about how
they want to go through the temple but yet they don't come to church.
They aren't keeping the covenants they have already made and they want
to make more that requires more? The temples are so beautiful but the
covenants we make are far more stunning than any chandelier or
painting. Don't they know that the beauty of the temple is only a
reflection of the promises we make inside?

The reason why I mention that is because my mission has really changed
how I view covenants. To me covenants should be your #1 priority in
your life and when you understand the importance of them, you begin
understand how much love your Heavenly Father has for you. It took
Patty 18 years to finally except the gospel but when she did she knew
that she was making a promise with her Savior and all that accompanies
it and to follow Him for the rest of her life. Do we know the weight
of our covenants and the blessings that come from them? Do we know
what we are and have promised when we decide to be baptized? Are you
living up to your covenants? Are you thinking of those covenants when
you take the sacrament? Is a recommend just a ticket to see the
mysteries inside a Latter-day Saint temple?

I remember my first time through the temple and how much I felt like a
princess. It wasn't because I was sitting in a room made for one but
because the covenants I had made that day were with my Father in
Heaven the King of all the Universe and The Prince of Peace, My Savior
Jesus Christ. I testify of covenants and that through them we can
progress in this life and through the eternities. We can be perfected
and sit down as Priests and Priestesses with our Redeemer Jesus Christ
and loving Heavenly Father. I know They live and this is Their gospel.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's kingdom
restored to the earth. I testify of temple and that they are the only
way our families can be together forever. I love each and everyone of
you and hope you have a fantastic week!

Hermana Ritter

Monday, September 8, 2014

6 months!

Hola familia y amigos! Como están? 😁
Can I just say how crazy it is that in a year I'll be going home?! I
can't believe how fast the time has gone. I woke up yesterday thinking
it was Friday!

Well, the area is picking back up and we are working with a lot of
people! We have Anita, Patricia's daughter, who has a baptismal date
for September 27 and then we found a new investigator and put him on a
date for October 11! We are seeing miracles in this area and it's
because we are trying our best everyday! I feel so blessed to be
serving in this area with the members, my companion and the people we

The other day I was reading in Ruth and it really touched my heart. In
Ruth 3:10-11 it reads:

10 And he said, Blessed be thou of the Lord, my daughter: for thou
hast shewed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning,
inasmuch as thou followedst not young men, whether poor or rich.

11 And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do to thee all that thou
requirest: for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a
virtuous woman.

By now all of her family has died besides her mother in law, Naomi.
Her sister in law has already left and found another life but Ruth
tells Naomi she will never leave her side. The reason why everyone in
the town knows Ruth as a "virtuous woman" is because of her works and
who she is. She trusts in The Lord and has true charity. That's what
kind of woman I want to be when I leave a year from now and I know
that if I loose myself in the work I will find her.

I am so grateful for this opportunity I have to be serving the
children of God. In these 6 months, I have come to know and love my
Savior more than I ever thought possible. Using the Atonement everyday
has helped me to council with Him in every step along the way and do
His work the way He would want. Doing His will has become the most
important thing in my life. I have never been as happy as I am now and
I owe it all to my Heavenly Father. I know that they live and love us.
They called Joseph Smith to RESTORE their church once again on the
earth and the Book of Mormon is evidence for all of the above. I love
this gospel so much and my mission for strengthening my testimony of
these things. It has truly changed my life.

Love you all and hope you have a fantastic week!
Hermana Ritter

Monday, September 1, 2014

Week #1

Well my baby is almost a week old! I seriously love being a trainer.
It's a lot of hard work but I know that with the Lords help that I can
help her become the best missionary she can be! Her name is Hermana
Mena and she is the oldest of 4. Her mom is currently in jail and her
dad is raising them all by himself. She seriously.... Is the best

So this week I really had a lot of fun! We were super busy and we put
someone on date. Anita Rodrigues! Patty' little girl! I'm so excited
for this family and they deserve the best. We taught a lot and found a
lot of investigators too. Our area is being blessed because Hermana
Mena is such an awesome missionary!

I love this gospel so much and am grateful for the opportunity to
share it. The love I have for this ward... I never new I could love
this much until I came out on my mission. My mission is seriously
changing my life and making me a better person. I love my Savior and
all He has done for me. True happiness lies in knowin Him.

Hermana Ritter