Monday, September 1, 2014

Week #1

Well my baby is almost a week old! I seriously love being a trainer.
It's a lot of hard work but I know that with the Lords help that I can
help her become the best missionary she can be! Her name is Hermana
Mena and she is the oldest of 4. Her mom is currently in jail and her
dad is raising them all by himself. She seriously.... Is the best

So this week I really had a lot of fun! We were super busy and we put
someone on date. Anita Rodrigues! Patty' little girl! I'm so excited
for this family and they deserve the best. We taught a lot and found a
lot of investigators too. Our area is being blessed because Hermana
Mena is such an awesome missionary!

I love this gospel so much and am grateful for the opportunity to
share it. The love I have for this ward... I never new I could love
this much until I came out on my mission. My mission is seriously
changing my life and making me a better person. I love my Savior and
all He has done for me. True happiness lies in knowin Him.

Hermana Ritter

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