Friday, August 16, 2013


I am warning you in advance that this is a rant and I am very angry hahaha! I am going to tell it like it is so if you don't want to hear the truth then don't read this page. Today I am ranting about people that have made me very angry lately and other things... Enjoy.

1. Judgmental people. HOLY COW. I get it, you're perfect right and you do no wrong? WRONG! There is not one person on this planet that is perfect. Stop expecting perfection from others when you can't offer the same results! Do not judge someone especially when you do not know the whole story.

2. Gossiping people. Oh my goodness. Do not be nice and kind to my face and then talk about me behind my back! Not cool! Why can't people just be real with you and tell you how they feel?! Or what I really hate is when grow women talk about girls in high school like they know everything just because they were already a teenager! No one ever has the same life or experiences and you can never completely understand someone's circumstances because you are not them and did not feel exactly what they felt when they were going through what they did. You never know... Maybe the teenage girl that you are talking trash about just went through her parents divorce and her best friend died and she has no faith left to hold on to? Then to add onto that her dad is getting remarried and having baby with a woman she doesn't even know. All of this happening within 2 years. That could definitely be possibility! Flippin' knock it off!

3. Religious people. When are the members of the church going to realize that they are the main reason why so many become inactive or leave the church!? It's because everywhere they turn they get "Well good luck with that because she is a handful and always gets what she wants" or "Oh my gosh, can you believe that so and so did this" or "I heard that this person did this... I'm not surprised". AGGHHH! Those kind of people drive me insane. Or the "Look at you, you sin. You're going to hell." Yes people sin and sometimes they don't repent of it. So what! That is between them and the Lord. Leave them alone!

4. People who don't mind their own business. 'Nuff said.

5. When people exit through enter door and enter through the exit door! Whether it is at Wal-Mart or Target or the mall. I do not want to run into you when I am trying to get stuff done and am in a hurry. Use the correct door!

6. Racism. This is such a controversial subject and I am going to tell it how it is. IF YOU ARE BLACK AND CALL ME A WHITE CRACKER OR WHITE TRASH THAT IS RACIST! Saying that I don't need scholarships for college because I am white, rich and I can borrow money from daddy is RACIST! Calling each other "nigga" when you are black yourself does not make it ok to call others that! Last time I checked this is the 21st century and just because you are of color and I am not does not mean that you have any right to say something that I can't. Just because you are of color does not mean that you get away with racism. You are just as racist as any other person.

7. When people pat me on the back after I tell them that I hate it. If you know me you know that I hate being touched on the back. If I say, "Hey dude I really don't like my back touched so please next time you can just give me a high five." then freakin listen!

8. When people say that Mormons aren't Christian. WHAT THE HECK. It says it in the name of our church. We are members of the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints and we love our Savior dang it! People spend so much time tearing other religions down when they could be spending that time in other productive ways. Stop being a dweeb and let us worship God how we wish. Mormons have never done anything to deserve the kind of disrespect we receive.

Okay I'm done have a nice day. I am now going to do something productive with my time.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot your family dog died in #2. It has been a couple of rough years. People should back off. Sorry to hear so many people are judging you and being mean. So not good. Just know that I love you and I'm proud of you and so do the people who really know you and love you. :) xox
