Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Crazy Dream.

So I am the person who has a dream every time I fall asleep. Last night I had one of my more vivid dreams and it seriously felt like it was happening in real life. Maybe I will start blogging my dreams... Any ways here is the story.

The dream starts off where we, my family, are in our house and we hear on the News that people are falling asleep and not waking back up.They don't know the reason for this, all they know is that you need to do everything you can not to fall asleep because you will not wake back up. Then we hear a loud bang outside and the United States Air Force is fighting in the air around us but you can't see what they are shooting at. So we get in our car and start to run. As we are driving around we see people running, exercising and doing everything they can to stay awake. I ask my dad if we can stop by Melissa's to see if they are okay and say goodbye. After arguing about it he says yes but not for very long. We get to Melissa's house, I open the door and see Randy holding Melissa as she is crying. I ask her if the kids are okay and she says that she put them down for a nap before she heard about the "sleeping disease" that's going around. I say I have to go because me and my family are running and asked if they wanted to come with but they refused and said they wanted to spend their last moments in their home with each other.

I get outside and my family is all out of the car and Kendra is saying we should go one way and my dad is saying we should go the opposite direction. Kendra grabs Wyatt and starts walking her way. Dad takes Lilly, me and Jackson and heads the opposite way. Dad heard about this ship that is taking off sailing to a refugee camp where the air was clean and you could sleep. So we start to run toward the ship and get there after days of walking. When we get there and get on the ship we start to hear that it was the aliens that put a pathogen in the air that kills us in our sleep. They knew that humans couldn't survive with out sleep. Just then an alien ship flies over head and bombs the front of the ship. Dad jumps off and tells me to throw Lilly to him. I refuse and have a very difficult time climbing down with Lilly in my hands. I swim trying to hold her above my head so that she doesn't get the salt water in her mouth or eyes. I felt so hopeless! We yell for Jackson to jump and swim to the refugee camp with us but he is too lazy! Every time we yelled at him he would say he was too lazy and that he didn't want to go swimming. The aliens bomb the ship one last time and Jackson is gone. Dad and I had to swim with Lilly all the way to the refugee camp.

When we get there they take our blood so that the device protecting us will let us in so we could sleep. The aliens have the ability to be invisible and so they invented this device that spins super fast around the city and shows the invisible aliens. The only weak spot is the door that looks like the ones at the grocery stores. Some of our alien alliances see an invisible alien and go to kill it. Basically it chopped all their heads off in 10 seconds tops. The leader of the alien invasion had killed a man who wondered beyond the protective device and used his blood to get through the doors. I had Lilly in my hands and started to run again when I woke up. CRAZY RIGHT?!

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