Friday, August 2, 2013

Super Sibling!

There is nothing more I love in this life than being an older sister! If there is one thing I know I am good at in this life, that is being a sibling! Here are some great tips to strengthen your relationship with your siblings both older and younger. They have worked all my life with my brothers and sisters.

1. FAMILY OVER EVERYTHANG! It does not matter how close you are with your friends or if it is a boy/girl friend, family always comes first. Family is the one thing you are guaranteed in this life and the one to come. Doesn't matter what family you come from, your loyalty should always be to your family. If my boyfriend asked to choose between my family or him. I would choose my family.

2. Once a sibling always a sibling. With my parents remarrying and having babies with their new spouses I have a lot have half and step siblings. WHO CARES! Just because they are from a different parents doesn't mean they aren't your "real" brothers and sisters. Whether by blood or marriage you guys are siblings. So forget the titles and just go with brother and sister! You guys are related by heart now! Nothing else before matters after you become siblings!

3. Always listen and never repeat. Let your siblings know that they can tell you anything with out you tattling on them (except if their life is in danger). Somethings are meant to be kept just between siblings like who their crush is, if they are having trouble with friends or even some advice with some decisions.

4. Give lots of hugs and kisses. This one is pretty self explanatory.

5. Do stuff with them that they enjoy, even if you are not good at it. My little brothers LOVE video games and I am absolutely terrible at them and think they are a waste of time. But, to spend time with them I will always show interest in Wyatt's Pokemon or play Call of Duty even though Jackson has to revive me every 5 seconds. We always end up laughing at how terrible I am and stupid things I do when I play. Any time with your siblings is always the best times.

6. Say I Love You! I always make it point to tell my siblings I love them and that they are my best friends, because they really are! I tell that to Lilly everytime I change her diapers hahaha! Let them know how much they really mean to you!

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