Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Power of Fasting!

The definition of fasting is to abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink, esp. as a religious observance. You give up 2 meals or 24 hours with out food or drink in order to ask for certain blessings. Sister Nichols gave a talk in my ward today about the power of fasting and I had recently had an amazing experience that strengthened my testimony.

All summer long I had been applying for jobs and no one was calling back or hiring me. I fasted every first Sunday of the month. So I moved back home to go to school and tried getting a job in another city. Within 2 weeks I had a job and it was all because of fasting. What did I do different the second time?

1. I had sincerity. When I was fasting before, I would get up and forget to open my fast and when I did I said the prayer in my head. This time I got up, knelt down and said my prayer out loud so I could focus and mean it. I didn't ask Heavenly Father to give me a job, instead I asked Him to help me find a place where it could be most beneficial to the store and to me and my family.

2. Action. After I fasted that Sunday I got up every morning and applied to every place in the city that I possibly could. Instead of saying a prayer and waiting for Heavenly Father to answer it for me, I worked for an answer and acted upon the promptings I got.

3. I prayed everyday. When I knelt down at night I asked if Heavenly Father could help the managers of the places I applied at, see the good in me and call me for an interview. Within a week I got a job!

4. Last, I thanked Heavenly Father for opportunity to work, save for my mission and go to school. I also thanked Him for my dad's job and our success in such harsh economic times. ALWAYS THANK GOD FOR HIS BLESSINGS! He loves hearing that you recognize them and appreciate them!

My testimony has been strengthened so much these past couple of months. I know that if we fast, pray and act upon the promptings we will get our answers when we need them and how we need them! I love my Savior, my Heavenly Father and their gospel. I leave these words with you in Jesus' name, amen.

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