Sunday, August 4, 2013

Live Like His Son

One of my favorite church songs is "He Sent His Son". It always helps me to feel the spirit and brings back to the foundation which the gospel is built upon, Jesus Christ. The last of the song is my favorite part and it says "Have faith. Have hope. Live like His son. Help others on their way." These 4 statements have changed my life!

1. Have faith. In order to live the gospel we must first have faith. This is the hardest principal to achieve and it takes time. No testimony was gained over night with no work. Like we have been told before by prophets of old and new faith is like a little seed. We must nurture it, work hard to maintain it and most importantly never give up on it!

2. Have hope. Life is going to be miserable if we only look at the negative. Yes, the world is so very wicked and it's hard to see the light in such a dark place. THERE IS GOOD IN THE WORLD! Take those little flickers of goodness and expound on them! There is always good when there is the Savior in your life!

3. Live like His Son. Once you have attained faith and hope you must put them into practice by following Christ's commandments. Heavenly Father has so many blessings for you that the heavens cannot contain them! We just have to show Him that we deserve it. Be a follower of Christ.

4. Help other on their way. Now that you have the above help others come unto Christ. It is our responsibility as disciples of Christ to share how much joy the gospel brings into our lives. There are so many ways that you can do missionary work. The best way is to set an example and let your actions teach others the gospel! Feed His sheep!

I know that if we live by this we will be blessed in so many ways! My testimony grows each and everyday and I am so thank for a Heavenly Father that loves me and wants me home. I love my Savior Jesus Christ and that He made it possible for me to be with my family forever with Him and our Heavenly Father. This truly is the true and everlasting gospel! I leave these words with you in Jesus' name, amen.

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