Sunday, July 21, 2013

Chastened Even In Righteousness

" 27 And I have been supported under trials and troubles of every kind, yea, and in all manner of afflictions; yea, God has delivered me from prison, and from bonds, and from death; yea, and I do put my trust in him, and he will still deliver me." Alma 36:27
Why do good things happen to bad people? Why would God let this happen? Where are you God? Uhhh... Hello?

Heavenly Father has always given us a choice. Since before this life He has always let us choose what we want and it's because He loves us. This is called free agency and even Satan has the power to choose. Satan chooses to tempt us to sin or make hurtful decisions. We choose if we want to give into temptation or follow God's commandments. With free agency God knew that all of us would sooner or later make mistakes that would make life miserable for the rest of His children. Can you relate? When one child is in a bad mood it seems as though he can't leave his brothers and sisters alone! Taking that into consideration Heavenly Father asked "Whom shall I send?" Our loving eldest brother Jesus Christ said "I will Father! Send me." Heavenly Father already knew the impact of our decisions and that some of those would hurt our brothers and sisters. It was the consequence to having free agency. In order to uphold His promise of free agency He can not take away someone else's agency to stop bad things from happening. That would diminish the purpose of this life. So He sent His son, to not only Atone for the sins of the world, but create a person wherein men can lay their burdens and feel the peace of the pure love of Christ. Our Savior is the only person who knows exactly what each person is going through. The hurt, the guilt, the pain, the loneliness. He has suffered, bled and died so that He can take you in His arms and say "I understand and I am with you every step of the way." In order for ALL men to come unto Christ we ALL have to go through trials and learn from them. Even when we are righteous we tend to drift away from the Savior and through trials, no matter by other's free agency or by Heavenly Father's will, we rely on our Savior. What about the little boy with cancer? He didn't choose it for himself and neither did anyone else. Our teacher in Sunday school told us a lesson about an inactive family. The littlest boy out of the children was diagnosed with Leukemia. When that happened all the children that left came home, the older brother stopped smoking, the older sister left the boyfriend who had influenced her in very negative ways and they all started coming to church again. They were all sitting around the bed when the little boy passed away. A year later they were all sealed in the temple along with their little boy and brother. Sometimes terrible things happen to the righteous so that many other souls can be brought to salvation. Now the older brother is preparing to serve a mission and the family is still actively going to church. Just because bad things happen, doesn't mean that our Heavenly Father doesn't love us. In fact He chastens those He loves. Although we may want to be loved a little less sometimes(haha), He does it because he wants us to be the best we can be, return to Him and know true happiness.

Learning this aspect of the gospel has strengthened my testimony in so many ways. I was actually going to change this post to my testimony of the Savior. It seems as though everything I write circles back to Jesus Christ. It is just another testament to me that Jesus lives and He loves each and every single one of us! This is His true and everlasting gospel! Our Father in Heaven loves and knows each and every one of us and because of that love He created the Plan of Salvation! I love my Heavenly Father and eldest brother Jesus Christ. I say these things in His name. Amen.

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