Sunday, July 14, 2013

Molly Mormon

Today in church, as we were waiting for the lesson to start, a mother shared stories about her daughter that really touched my heart! Her daughter loves the gospel and lives the principles that she is taught. As a result other kids her age call her "Molly Mormon" and she is put down because she has strong morals and sticks to them. She also mentioned that these peers teasing her include some members of the church and attend seminary with her. This article goes out to the Molly Mormons!

I want to start by thanking you. You are the diamond in the rough, the light in the darkness and the example of the believers. Although it may seem like nobody appreciates your courage and strength right now, I guarantee that someday someone will! One day you will be going about your daily life and you'll get a text or call thanking you for your example. When I fell away from the church I was one of those who teased the "Molly Mormons" and I lost my best friend because of it. Once I returned to the church, I thanked her and continue to thank her for the example that she set for me, even when I was a terrible friend. Because of women like you I made it back to the gospel. More importantly your Heavenly Father and Savior appreciate your efforts to be the best that you can be. I cannot put into words how proud they are of you!

Keep it up! Before I fell away, I was always teased and bullied for being a stuck up Mormon. I must admit at times I was! But even when I wasn't I was still seen as judgmental and it always hurt my feelings. It was one of the contributing factors for making the terrible decisions I made because I wanted to prove that I could be a "cool Mormon". THERE IS NO SUCH THING! You cannot be of the world and still expect your testimony to remain strong. It's impossible. Elaine S. Dalton once said "No amount of peer pressure, no acceptance, no popularity is worth a compromise." Do not fear man more than you fear God. Satan will do anything in his power to try and keep you from being the woman your Heavenly Father wants and NEEDS you to be. You are doing great! If you have made a mistake that's okay! Nobody is perfect. My bishop once told me "Only the righteous repent." Do whatever you need to do to be that "Molly Mormon" again! You Heavenly Father needs you and your courage!

To that amazing young woman I heard about in church today and to all the righteous young women out there, thank you! You cannot begin to comprehend the lives you have changed already due to your exemplary character, bravery and strength! I am so proud of you and most importantly your Heavenly Father and eldest brother Jesus Christ is! I love you with all my heart and soul!

XOXO, Madison

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