Sunday, July 7, 2013

Women and Rubies

"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies." Proverbs 31:10
Rubies are the rarest gems on Earth and so are you!

As women, one of our biggest challenges that we have is how we view ourselves. We live in a world where the degrading of women is constant and all around us! In ads, music, television and all other forms of media we see women hardly dressed, treated like objects and yet at the same time, expected to be perfect in every single way. We can all agree that it is hard to feel and be a confident and righteous young woman while still feeling beautiful. YOU AS A WOMAN NEED TO HEAR THIS!

1. Be proud that you are a woman! In order to recognize how truly awesome that is you must first learn what it means to be a woman. You are a Daughter of a King with divine heritage because you are a child of God. Through the Atonement and Jesus Christ you can become like your Father in Heaven. Remember that you have divine qualities and have limitless potential! Understand how God feels about you. He loves you, knows you personally and wants you home with Him! No one else has what you have to offer and you can change the world because the world needs someone like you! Your intellect, style, life story and who you are is unique! No one else compares! "You are, as James E. Talmage once phrased it, “a sanctified investiture which none shall dare profane.” Take a moment to say out loud or write what it is and feels like to be you. Get to know yourself! I strongly suggest listening to a talk by Jeffrey R. Holland addressed to women. (

2. Stop nitpicking! There are times where I just sit there and pick and pick, whether it's pimples, hair and the little bit of fat I have on my body. Those days are usually the days where I have a bad day. Now don't take this as never look in the mirror because that is not what I am trying to say. Instead look at yourself through the Savior's eyes. It's okay to look in the mirror and say "I've gained some weight I need to work out and loose it" but don't sit there and say "Ugh, I'm so fat and that makes me ugly". That does no good. When I get ready I say 5 things about myself that I like about myself that day. It is okay to get frustrated and it is okay to love yourself. Love yourself for your flaws and work towards being a better you. 

3. Stop comparing. You are your only competition when it comes to self. You are the only one who has exactly gone through what you have and it is unfair to compare yourself to other women. Each body is different inside and out. Also I always hear women in my life talking about and comparing themselves to how they looked in high school. Knock it off! That little high school body didn't have kids and gone through life the way your body has now. Your body is even more beautiful now than it ever was! Work out, take care of your body and feel great! Be the best you!

"19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."
-1 Corinthians 6:19-20

4. Be modest. Boy do I struggle with this one! I wear bikinis and have terrible language and in the long run it has damaging effects. Modesty is always in fashion. If you look at timeless beauties like Audrey Hepburn you see that they didn't need to show off a lot of skin to be viewed as beautiful. Choose your clothes like you would choose your friends. Would you choose someone who will embarrass you and degrade you as your best friend? No and you should choose your clothes the same way. The only time I was ever embarrassed was when I was immodest. When Princeton male students participated in a study comparing reactions to modesty and immodesty they concludes that when males view women who are immodest, they view them as if they were object rather than people. Modesty isn't just about appearance. It is also the way we talk. Watch this video on modesty and it will completely change your point of view! Promise!

Every single woman is beautiful and has something to offer that the world is in desperate need of! I hope this post helped you whatever you stood in need of. Let me know what topic you would like me to post about next! 

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff. You are a wise young woman.
    Thank Melissa for sharing it :-)
