Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Letter From Big Sister

To My Little Munchkins:

If I could give advice in my 18 years of triumph and loss, this is what perspective I could offer. I know I am not experienced because I am still a kid myself but if I follow my own advice long ago it would have saved me so many tears and heartache. My only hope is that you will be twice the human being I ever was!

Whatever you do, DO NOT follow the crowd. They are very tricky and make you believe that the lives that celebrities live are extravagant and leisurely. Money can buy most things except true happiness. Drugs and alcohol do not make you more "chill" or "fun". In fact they make you look immature and only lead to worse things. Immorality is not okay. It is not "just a feeling" or something that should be thrown away like a piece of paper. Wait and share that special moment with the one you love under the sacred bond of marriage. You will thank yourself later and so will your future spouse. Immodesty and vulgarity do not make you cool. It does not make you smarter. It does not take you the places you want to go (unless you like dumpsters and if so I'll spank your booty because that's nasty!) It does the exact opposite. Stay pure, be kind and remember that you are a son/daughter of God.

No matter what put Heavenly Father and your Savior Jesus Christ first. If you do this I can promise that you will make better decisions, relationships and your self confidence will soar. When you remember who you come from and who loves you it is amazing how brighter life seems!

Family always proceeds the above. They will be there for you no matter what! Especially our family! Sometimes sissy would forget this and I hurt a lot of people in the process. Don't be like me! You are so much better than that! Mommy and Daddy are only hard on you because they expect great things from you. We all know that you are capable of moving mountains, trust us! We might also push you to do volleyball a little more than other things and that's because we have found so much happiness playing it, both with each other and on teams! If you don't like it tell us though.. We just want what is best for you!

Believe in yourself dang it! I can not stress this enough. Sissy could have gone so far, both in sports and academically, but she didn't because she didn't believe in herself. Now she watches college volleyball players and regrets so much. You are capable of anything you put your mind to. Don't let anybody else tell you different. YOU ARE THE BOMB DIGGITY! Stay true to you and don't forget how incredible you are!

Learn from sister. She messed up. A lot. But that's okay because now you get to learn from those mess ups and create better life for yourself. There was a method behind the madness!

The most important (well to me) is that SISSY WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU! No matter what decisions you make, how you treat me or if you decide to be a democrat. It's okay... well... Sister will try her very best on that last one! Haha. To me you are the most wonderful person in the world. Nothing can change the fact that you are my brother/sister and you are stuck with me for eternity muahahaha! Know that you can always count on me and I will always be here for you. Your dreams are mine, your trials I will help you bare and when all is said and done you will always be able to say "I know my sister loves me and to be honest.. I love her too!"

I love you with all my heart and soul!
-Your Eldest Sister Madison

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