Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I Want You to Know...

1. I want you to know that your Heavenly Father knows, loves you and has the best in store for you. No matter what you do He will always love you. To Him you are enough.
2. I want you to know that you Savior Jesus Christ know, loves you and is the only person who knows exactly what you are going through. He died so that you can live and follow your dreams. No matter what He will always fight for you.
3. I want you to know that you are worth it. It does not matter if you are trying to get through college, wanting a new dress, going through a break up or struggling with your confidence. YOU ARE WORTH IT! Do not let anyone tell you different.
4. I want you to know that there is someone out there who cares!
5. I want you to know that no matter what decisions you make, where life takes you or how far gone you may seem. You can always come back and kick life in the toosh. You are never too far gone to straighten up, pursue your dreams and a create the life you have always wanted.
6. I want you to know that there is always a storm before a rainbow. Life sucks a lot of the time and that's a fact. God never said it would be easy, He just said it would be worth it.
7.  I want you to know that people will tell you that you can't. They will tear you down and try to build themselves up. Do not forget that you can do anything you put your mind to.
8. I want you to know that unicorns are real..
9. I want you to know that you are awesome. Obstacles are nothing to you. Do not get into your own head and don't let other either. Believe in yourself and keep your chin up.
10. I want you to know I love you!

Xoxo, Madison

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