Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Time Management

Honestly, I am surprised I have learned this lesson already. This week I have not done a single chore around the house and struggled to get my homework done. I procrastinated my studying and essay til 3 o'clock this morning. I only got a few hours of sleep and could not focus on anything today! Taking my test was such a challenge and it scared the crap out of me! I thought I was going to fail! Here is to starting new and awesome habits! Although you can't plan every second of every day there are some things that you can help. Working and going to college at the same time is starting to get exhausting so I am trying some new things starting tomorrow! Care to join me?

1. Get things done when you have free time ASAP. My problem is that I think I can get it done later and when later comes around something always pops up. Moral of the story.. Get it done right then and there when you have time or else it will end up not getting done at all.

2. Do not do homework at 3 o'clock in the morning the day it is due. Instead space it out. Usually I do pretty good with this but this week was just brutal!

3. Get to bed on time. There are so many issues with sleep deprivation and how unhealthy it is for you. Not only does it age you 10x faster but it also creates unwanted habits. Today in my psychology I learned that people who get only 6 hours of sleep have the same level of sugar processing than a 60+ year old man with diabetes does. Scary! You are giving yourself temporary and maybe even long term diabetes if you are not getting enough sleep!

4. Put your phone on your dresser or somewhere far away. When I am done reading my scriptures and saying my prayers I automatically reach for my phone and spend another hour on it! Turn your alarm, on set it across the room, and get to bed!

5. Do not sleep in even if you do go to bed early. I do this a lot. I will go to bed early and sleep in! Then when the next night comes I am not tired and stay up. I have learned that when I do get up and get moving I feel a lot better.

6. Set time aside to prepare somethings at night so you don't always have to do everything in the morning. I pack my lunch, get my school stuff together and make sure I have everything in my purse the night before so I am prepared.

7. Get a paper planner. I know this is a little old fashioned but seriously it has helped me a lot. When I used my phone I would press dismiss and forget about it til 5 minutes before it actually happened. Also writing it down helps me remember since I am such a visual person.

8. Last, don't forget to make family time a priority. If you are like me sometimes this is the only down you will get besides at 3 o'clock in the morning. Treasure it. This time to wind down and spend some quality time with your loved ones.

Join me in creating better time management. Til next post! Xoxo, Madison.

1 comment:

  1. I put your name, and Jacksons name on the temple prayer roll every week, and have for almost 2 years. I know you both are blessed through prayer. I love and miss you both, more than you will ever know.
    Love, Nana
