Monday, September 29, 2014

Pictures... September 2014

Omgoodness... Is not this the cutest voice you have ever heard! I love
her so much!

 Because we were so busy we didn't even take pics of Anita in her
little white jumper! So sad! We were too busy cleaning up the water
but we took pics after :)

 Seriously, I love this old lady so much I can hardly stand it. She is
76 years old and can talk for twice that long. She always calls us her
angles when come to visit her every Friday at 4!

 Eventful baptism... Accidently overfilled the font... My district
leader was sooooo mad.... But we still had the baptism!

 It was also poring rain! I have a feeling it's just going to get colder!

 After Anita's baptism we took Patty, Anita, Natalie and Juana Franco
to the Women's Conference and had a blast! We then went to Denny's and
had a little girls night. I said I would pay for Hermana Franco and
home girl kept choosing the $15 dollar steak meals. Hermana Valdivia
convince to get the $7 one instead! Thank goodness!

 Left to Right: Hermana Mena, Patty, Juana Franco, Hermana Valdivia,
Natalie, Me and Anita

 When YW have your iPad during a lesson :) :) :)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Long time no email!

Well actually.. I just didn't send one last time... My bad! Sometimes
you just get so caught in doing things that you forget you actually
have a family at home..

This week was super duper fun! We taught a lot and had some really
good lessons. Updates on Francisco Benavidas: he is doing really good
and has such a desire to learn. He used to be in the military and has
so much knowledge of the world. He tells us all these stories about
how he used to serve in the Middle East and how much he learned from
the different religions. His stories are so beautiful! We had a church
tour with him where we come on a weekday to the church and show him
around teaching the purpose of each room. My favorite was when we
taught him in the sacrament room and how important repentance is.
Updates on Anita: She is golden! Today we are going over at 5 to go
over baptismal interview questions. Last week we went over to get her
baptismal program ready and she already had everyone picked out in her
little folder she made for all her church stuff! She is so ready!

We were at the temple so much too! Last Saturday we went to do
baptisms for the dead with Marlene and then she wanted to do the
endowments for her dad this Saturday. We got there right when she told
us to and then we waited for her... And waited... And waited! An hour
later she texts us saying she couldn't go because she has a headache.
And we are all the way in temple square! So me, Mena and Alegria did
an endowment session just us girls and then went to go get something
to eat since our ride wouldn't be there til forever! Then we went to
the re-dedication of the Ogden temple Sunday and seriously... Life
changing! Even though the first one I was kinda dozing off the second
one was really good! My favorite part was before when they played
tabernacle choir and showed the celestial room! Patricia Cortès came
and sat next to me. It was so awesome to see her there and listening
so well. Her sister in law and her niece also came but it was
different for them... The whole time the mom was fidgeting and not
really paying attention, braiding her daughter's hair and talking...
It made me think... A lot of our less actives always talk about how
they want to go through the temple but yet they don't come to church.
They aren't keeping the covenants they have already made and they want
to make more that requires more? The temples are so beautiful but the
covenants we make are far more stunning than any chandelier or
painting. Don't they know that the beauty of the temple is only a
reflection of the promises we make inside?

The reason why I mention that is because my mission has really changed
how I view covenants. To me covenants should be your #1 priority in
your life and when you understand the importance of them, you begin
understand how much love your Heavenly Father has for you. It took
Patty 18 years to finally except the gospel but when she did she knew
that she was making a promise with her Savior and all that accompanies
it and to follow Him for the rest of her life. Do we know the weight
of our covenants and the blessings that come from them? Do we know
what we are and have promised when we decide to be baptized? Are you
living up to your covenants? Are you thinking of those covenants when
you take the sacrament? Is a recommend just a ticket to see the
mysteries inside a Latter-day Saint temple?

I remember my first time through the temple and how much I felt like a
princess. It wasn't because I was sitting in a room made for one but
because the covenants I had made that day were with my Father in
Heaven the King of all the Universe and The Prince of Peace, My Savior
Jesus Christ. I testify of covenants and that through them we can
progress in this life and through the eternities. We can be perfected
and sit down as Priests and Priestesses with our Redeemer Jesus Christ
and loving Heavenly Father. I know They live and this is Their gospel.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's kingdom
restored to the earth. I testify of temple and that they are the only
way our families can be together forever. I love each and everyone of
you and hope you have a fantastic week!

Hermana Ritter

Monday, September 8, 2014

6 months!

Hola familia y amigos! Como están? 😁
Can I just say how crazy it is that in a year I'll be going home?! I
can't believe how fast the time has gone. I woke up yesterday thinking
it was Friday!

Well, the area is picking back up and we are working with a lot of
people! We have Anita, Patricia's daughter, who has a baptismal date
for September 27 and then we found a new investigator and put him on a
date for October 11! We are seeing miracles in this area and it's
because we are trying our best everyday! I feel so blessed to be
serving in this area with the members, my companion and the people we

The other day I was reading in Ruth and it really touched my heart. In
Ruth 3:10-11 it reads:

10 And he said, Blessed be thou of the Lord, my daughter: for thou
hast shewed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning,
inasmuch as thou followedst not young men, whether poor or rich.

11 And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do to thee all that thou
requirest: for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a
virtuous woman.

By now all of her family has died besides her mother in law, Naomi.
Her sister in law has already left and found another life but Ruth
tells Naomi she will never leave her side. The reason why everyone in
the town knows Ruth as a "virtuous woman" is because of her works and
who she is. She trusts in The Lord and has true charity. That's what
kind of woman I want to be when I leave a year from now and I know
that if I loose myself in the work I will find her.

I am so grateful for this opportunity I have to be serving the
children of God. In these 6 months, I have come to know and love my
Savior more than I ever thought possible. Using the Atonement everyday
has helped me to council with Him in every step along the way and do
His work the way He would want. Doing His will has become the most
important thing in my life. I have never been as happy as I am now and
I owe it all to my Heavenly Father. I know that they live and love us.
They called Joseph Smith to RESTORE their church once again on the
earth and the Book of Mormon is evidence for all of the above. I love
this gospel so much and my mission for strengthening my testimony of
these things. It has truly changed my life.

Love you all and hope you have a fantastic week!
Hermana Ritter

Monday, September 1, 2014

Week #1

Well my baby is almost a week old! I seriously love being a trainer.
It's a lot of hard work but I know that with the Lords help that I can
help her become the best missionary she can be! Her name is Hermana
Mena and she is the oldest of 4. Her mom is currently in jail and her
dad is raising them all by himself. She seriously.... Is the best

So this week I really had a lot of fun! We were super busy and we put
someone on date. Anita Rodrigues! Patty' little girl! I'm so excited
for this family and they deserve the best. We taught a lot and found a
lot of investigators too. Our area is being blessed because Hermana
Mena is such an awesome missionary!

I love this gospel so much and am grateful for the opportunity to
share it. The love I have for this ward... I never new I could love
this much until I came out on my mission. My mission is seriously
changing my life and making me a better person. I love my Savior and
all He has done for me. True happiness lies in knowin Him.

Hermana Ritter

Monday, August 25, 2014

I'm Having A Baby!!

I have so much excitement for this transfer it's ridiculous! I'm just so happy because I'm having a baby! I get to train this transfer and I'm so excited that President has given me a second chance to be a leader and example!!! Her name is Hermana Mena and she comes from North Carolina! I can hardly stand it, I can't wait for her to get her!

There is one thing that I have learned from this transfer and that's what kind of missionary I want to be. I knew what kind of missionary I wanted to before but I didn't how I guess? Hermana Sosa showed me what kind of missionary I don't want be (no hard feelings or nothin) and Hermana Alegrìa showed me the way I can be the best missionary I can be. I am so excited for the future now. I just have so much enthusiasm for the work and I know it's going to be such a challenge but I know Heavenly Father will help me to train this missionary. I have so much to do and so much to work on but I'm so excited!

Also, yesterday we went to go work with some English wards to plan a neighborhood party to get their neighbors out of their houses so we can find new people to teach! We received like 6 referrals just by going to the English Ward councils! Imagine how many we are going to get by this neighborhood party! I just know that Heavenly Father is blessing our area because I've been trying my best with the area. Sometimes I felt overwhelmed because Hermana Sosa doesn't have an iPad and so I do all the planning and calling and confirming and updating and weekly planning and lessons and.. She really TRUNKY and she... Just is such a sweet spirit and I was so lucky to have had her as a companion because I learned SO MUCH from her 😜👍

My dear friends and family, I testify that God knows every single one of us. I thought that if my companion wasn't doing what she was suppose to, the area would suffer. It's not like that at all. This week I worked so hard and tried my best. I know that we are starting to see the ball roll from all our hard work! He knows that I've been doing it all by my self and He has carried me through this week! I love my Savior Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father. They watch over us with Their angels. I hope you all have a great week and don't be shy to write me back!

Hermana Ritter

That awkward moment when it's cold outside 
and you find your companion warming up with her lunch. :-)

A few selfies with the Elders :-)

Monday, August 18, 2014

I Was in the Principal's Office

Hola hola hola mis amados amigos y familia! Cómo están? Espero qué todo esta bien y Dios les bendiga

I have so much to write about this week but I don't even know where to start.. A mission has its way of exploiting your flaws... But in a good way. If that makes sense? So I'm going to tell you all about my experience that I have had this week and how my mission is constantly changing me to become more like my Savior so that you can take from it what you need and learn from my experience.!

So this past week has been pretty good actually! We have been having a lot of meetings and stuff to where we are not teaching as much and we are things get to know the ward a little better so that they want to come out with us. Over all our numbers are not very good but we are trying to work as hard as we can. So that part of the mission is going pretty good. It can always be better but sometimes areas pass through a time where it slows down a little and you have to look for new people. That's where we are.

Now what was really interesting is what actually happened in the companionship this week. So I got got chastened by my mission president really bad... Hahaha. This week I've been trying my hardest to get right up at 6:25 and go out running in our could-sack because I always feel great after I run and exercise... Who knew that God actually gave me mission rules to feel better 😜 so anyways I'm not perfect and I didn't always go running sometimes you're so tired you crawl out of bed and fall asleep while doing push-ups.. Poco a poco... Hahaha it's something I am constantly repenting for. But... I kept having the prompting that I should be really careful with my companion about the phone and her iPad. I kept thinking nah... You just heard some things and you're not even giving her a chance. You're not perfect or follow the rules to exactness you'll be a hypocrite. Finally, Saturday night I told my district leader all that was happening with my companion and well.. Him and the Sister Training Leaders decided to tell President. Sunday morning comes around and we get a call from president and he comes and finds us. I was the first one he wanted to talk to. Oh my goodness... Best interview of my life! And let me tell you why..

I got chastised so bad. He made me tell him all that was happening and then he told me that next time I shouldn't act like a high schooler thinking that I'd be a snitch for telling on her. Then he told me he was disappointed because he gave me this companion to be a leader and that I was acting, literally he said, I was acting like a wimp. Hahaha. He reminds me so much of grandpa and dad. It made me think of all those times I wanted to give up or be lazy or complain. Dad or mom would always say "You're not a wimp are ya?" or "Ritters aren't wimps!" He told me he knows that I have so much more. One other thing he said was that my personality can be so dangerous if I am not on the Lord's side. It's ok to be confident and stubborn as long as we are doing it in the Lords way hahaha. I love my mission president so much!

I learned that we cannot help one another if we do not say anything and stand there in silence. There is no way. Hermana Sosa has decided to end her mission a little earlier than planned... I can't help but think that if I would've said something that I was promoted to maybe it would've have changed her mind. When we are bold and loving and listen to e spirit we can't go wrong and I forgot that. I forgot that I have and always will be a leader. Heavenly Father has always put me in those situations and given me those opportunities. Sometimes we just forget who we are and it's through these kind of experiences, like the one I had, that Heavenly Father calls it to our remembrance.

Guys, nobody is perfect and we are all here to learn. There is this video on that is called The Will of God. Watch it. I put it in is email below. It talks about how God chastens us because He loves us and wants us to grow. He knows what is best for us and how we can achieve it. By constantly striving for the corrections of Heavenly Father we can become like Him and His Son Jesus Christ. There is a scripture in Proverbs that says:

11 My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord; neither be weary of his correction:
12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.
13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
Proverbs 3:11-13

I am so grateful for my mission and the opportunity I have to grow from it. I testify of correction. It is the only way we can become like our Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ. I testify that through trials and chastening we not only come to know God and His Son but the plan he has for us. I am so grateful They have given me the opportunity to repent and move forward everyday. They live and there is not a doubt in my heart that this is true. This is their church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, on the earth once again restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. I am learning so much about life, the gospel and myself. For anyone who is debating whether or not to go on a mission... GO! But allow it to change you. I love you all and hope that you have a fantastic week!

Hermana Ritter

The Will of God
God uses love-inspired correction to guide us to a future we do not or cannot now envision but which He knows is the better way for us.

So we totally had dinner with some Americans and well... They asked us
what we wanted for dinner and mentioned a Dutch oven... Ahhh! Made me
miss Nana and Poppy and camping! They made peach and berry cobbler!

This is Marlene Amaya! One of the craziest people and funniest people
I have ever met! She's really kind and was inactive for a really time.
She served a mission too! Yesterday she final,y got her temple
recommend after 10 years! She was so happy! I love her...

That awkward moment when your district leader calls for numbers and
you're already in your PJs so you put on coat because you're too lazy
to change hahaha. And it's the middle of summer so you're not fooling

Lucia is finally baptized! Yayyy! Love this family soooo much!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Interesting Week

Hola Amigos! How is everyone doing? I hope everyone is doing good!

  Well... This week has been nothing but eventful... I guess I'll off
Friday so you'll get the whole picture. Last Friday, we had exchanges
the sister training leaders and I found 2 more people to teach which
is really awesome. Then Saturday morning we go to have lesson and the
lady ended up not being there so we headed back to our apartment. Not
even kidding, with in 10 feet of their house the Sister Training
Leader got a flat tire and then within another 10 feet my bike
received a flat tire. So we call the Cotners, they drop off my bike to
get it fixed at the bike shop because my tire needed to be trued, then
took Hermana Sosa's bike to their house to fix it and gave us new
bikes to use Saturday and Sunday because mine wouldn't be ready til
Monday. With all that we go on our way and we contact this referral
and we are talking to her on her porch trying to get to know her. All
of the sudden you hear this BOOM! It literally sounded like someone
got shot. So thinking that a gun went off the Lady says we can come in
to get some juice. We end up having a really good lesson and go to
leave only to find that it was Hermana Sosa's bike tire that had
exploded. Soooo ridiculous. So we leave the bikes there and end up
walking anyways until Monday. We got to play volleyball for
again. It feels so great! I miss it...

  So we get our bikes Monday and we have a great FHE and then the next
day we have an 11 o'clock lesson with Claudia and Raul and we are
actually going there to tell them that we are dropping them. Well on
our way there I go to get in front of Hermana Sosa so she can follow
me because she's still new to the area but... I miss judge how high
the curb was. I completely eat it. I flew over my handle bars and got
my chin, hands and knees pretty good. Lucky I crashed in front of a
physical therapy place so one guy helps me in, they patch me up and I
get on my bike to go to the appointment we are currently late for. We
get to their house and they're sleeping. Won't answer. Well my head
started hurt really bad and there was no way I could get back up the
hill so I call my District Leader and he happened to be with a member
getting pizza in a truck. They take our bikes and the Zone Leader he
was with knew an English speaking sister that could help. So she
patches me up even more and the Elders gave me a blessing. The sister
took us home and told me to take a nap so I could feel better.Can I
just say how much I am grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost? We get
home and I go to lay down but I had a feeling that I shouldn't and I
needed to call Sister Swain. By his time my head and jaw are hurting
really bad. So I call her, she calls a senior couple and they take me
to the Clinic. Long story short I was in the hospital because of a
concussion. It was so embarrassing! Hahaha..

   But the reason that I wanted to share this story was not to worry
my mom and all of you guys but to testify. In the blessing given by
the Elders, I clearly remember him saying "These next few moments of
this challenge are going to be hard but this experience was given to
humble you to know that God is very close and He loves you." I knew
this transfer was going to be SO hard. I knew it the moment we
started. By no means did I know that it was going to be this hard. I
know God lives and loves me personally. He was there those night when
I couldn't even shower without crying, those mornings when my head
felt like it was going to explode or those afternoons where I wanted
to go out and teach but I couldn't because of the Doctor's orders. I
learned how to use the atonement in a completely new light this week.
I grew closer to my Savior and Heavenly Father just through a stupid
bike accident. Yeah, I'm not going to have every single transfer be
like the ones with Hermana Alegrìa or have the relationship we did.
I'm not going to always have a companion that's focused on the work.
I'm not perfect and sometimes will fall.. Literally and spiritually
hahaha 😜👍 but I know that when I try MY best in all that I do that
Heavenly  Father will bless the area. I know it's going to all work

  I love this gospel so much and in every way, shape and form it is
perfect. WE WILL HAVE TRIALS. I can promise you that but what makes
the difference is our confidence in our Savior and His sacrifice He
gave for every single one of us. I love you all and hope to hear from
you! The church is true!

Hermana Ritter

Monday, August 4, 2014

Quick Letter

  So this week has been the most stressful horrifying week of my
life... Not true but it was horrible emotionally. I am such a wreck.
It's hard when your companion was so experienced and obedient and was
so loved. Now it's me who barely knows the area and my comp is really
struggling. She is TRUNKY! Hahaha.

  It was pouring rain Monday and Tuesday while we were trying to find.
Then it was exchanges on Friday and I stayed. Exchanges were really
fun! Then the next Morning both me and Hermana Bauserman got flat
tires so we took our bikes to the bike shop and replaced them with
other ones til Monday. But! Wait for it... While we were teaching a
lesson at the door we heard a noise like someone got shot. So the lady
let us in and when we went to get on our bikes we had a pleasant
surprise that her bike tire exploded.

  I'm a little out of my comfort zone right now and I feel like I'm
learning but only learning through failure hahaha. I am so very
grateful for this opportunity to learn and grow from my mission. Yes,
we all go through a little rough patches in our lives but with the
Saviors help we can get through anything. I know my letter is really
short but I am running out of time. We had a lot of stuff to do today.
I love you all and an sending my love a prayers your way!

Hermana Ritter

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Pday Wednesday

Hiya family how is everyone doing? : )

  So I have some good and bad news... Me and Hermana Alegrìa are not
companions anymore... They had to do an emergency transfer and so
Hermana Alegrìa had to leave and I stayed. It was super hard for me
and Hermana Alegrìa. We were crying all night and the morning too. My
new companion is Hermana Sosa and she has 2 1/2 more months in the
mission field and has kinda lost all enthusiasm and so far it's been
pouring rain. And I mean POURING rain. We had to walk and contact in
the rain and it was horrible. I have no rain boots are nothin...

  Honestly I'm scared out of my mind. I'm the only one who knows the
area and right now I'm feeling a little overwhelmed but I know that
with prayer and fasting everything will be okay. We are really trying
to find new people to teach and less actives to reactivate but it's
going to take a lot of work and time. I already know our numbers are
going to go slightly down because we are going to be focusing on

  Today we went to the temple as a district and it was so awesome.
When you don't go to the temple for a while you tend to forget the
feelings that are felt there. But... I made it a point to go to the
temple with a question and I got an answer. I testify of temples and
that we should all make them our goal. Sorry my letter is lame but
it's all I got. I know the Savior lives and this is his church. All
the rest will fall into place.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Another Week - Happy Pioneer Day!!

  I don't have much time today because is only 3 hours because
Thursday is Pioneer Day and we get that whole day off! Woohoo! Me and
Hermana were thinking about going to a parade in the morning, a
breakfast with our favorite sisters Bauserman and Davidson and then to
"This Is The Place". They speak Spanish too. We love them! 😄💕

  Buuuut... I just wanted to share a quick little message with you
guys. It's about the things that go on in the mind of a missionary. As
a missionary, well at least for me and Hermana Alegrìa, we wake up
thinking about the people we teach, we study about the people we
teach, we plan our day around the people we teach and then we go to
bed thinking about what could we have done better or what more can we
do for the people we teach. We pray about them, we fast for them and
I'm also fat because of them. Hahaha guys they feed me so much and
  Maybe this is just me I don't know but sometimes as a missionary you
feel like the weight of the world is resting on your shoulders. We had
Ward Council yesterday and let me tell you... I can't say much but ...
the youth in our ward.. They are struggling. Our people are
struggling. The world we live in is struggling. As a missionary you
see it and for some reason feel responsible for it. Last night, I lost
it. In my personal prayer I was crying and then it was my turn to say
companionship prayer and I cried in that prayer. Then I cried after
(PS if you are planning on serving a mission you might as well get
over crying because you are so vulnerable on your mission. Everything
makes you cry...) You know the part in Hunchback of Notre Dame when
Esmeralda goes into the church and she starts singing and asking God
to help her people? She says:

"God bless the outcasts hungry from birth, show them the mercy they
don't find on earth. God help my people we look to you still, God help
them where nobody will.

I ask for nothing, I can get by but I know so many less lucky than I.
Please help my people, the poor and down trod. I thought we all were
children of God."

  Sometimes we feel like Esmeralda and feel like no matter where we
look and what we do it's not going to get better. Sometimes we feel
like we have this huge burden on our shoulders as mothers, fathers,
brothers, sisters etc. It is in these moments when we fall to our
knees and plea with our Heavenly Father to "help our people" like in
the song. I testify of the power of prayer. I testify that when we
pray, we pray to a living and loving Heavenly Father in the name of
our Savior and they are right there waiting to help us feel Their
love. They know us each personally and will help our dreams come true.
We just have to trust. The world will fall but when we are built upon
"the rock of our redeemer which is Christ The Lord, wherein if men
build they cannot fall" (Helaman 5:12) it won't matter what the world
does because we have the power to stand as witnesses of Christ and our

  My beloved brothers and sisters, this gospel is perfect. Through
Christ we can be as He is. Our potential has no end because we are all
daughters and sons of God, a true king. I invite all people who read
this to come unto Christ. Know Him and find true happiness.

Hermana Ritter

Monday, July 14, 2014

Let's Get This Party Started - Transfer #3

  Holy guacamole! Transfer #3! And I'm not getting transferred! Me and Hermana Alegrìa are staying together for another 6 weeks! Woot woot.. Woot woot! We are having so much fun out here. Hermana Alegrìa is such a good example to me and we honestly love this are so much. We thought one of us was getting transferred but we were so excited to find out that we are both staying! We are working super hard! :)

   This week was really great but for some reason... We went to Temple Square a lot and for some reason... Every time I watch God's Plan for the Family I'm crying at the end. I guess as a missionary it's so much easier to see the eternal perspective. We took Michael to the temple and showed him the movie. The spirit is always so strong with the last video clip when you see the daughter getting married and how all the family members have all these different relationships with her. Ugh, I cry like a baby. But what I love the most is being able to testify of the things that we watch. This is a gospel of happiness and love. God wants our families to be together forever and through covenants we can return to live with him.

  Saturday was Patricia's baptism and it was such a beautiful day! She was so excited and ready. The talks were so good and then I always love when they take those steps into the font and turn around and look at you. When you grow with them and help them know their Savior that look says it all. All the excitement and happiness in their eyes for the future. It's the moment that makes being a missionary all worth it. You share a special bind between them that can never be broken. I love these people so much and when it comes down to it.. They are worth it. The homesickness from missing my family, the exhaustion at the end of the day from being in the sun on a bike, gaining 15 pounds because you eat so much Hispanic EVERYDAY, the struggle to keep your eyes open to study in the mornings just so you can teach them in the Lord's way and every door slammed in your face. ITS ALL WORTH IT.

   I love our Savior Jesus Christ and for a short 18 months I get to represent Him. My calling has power to change lives and it is through this calling that I see a change in myself as well. There is nothing like it and I hope every young man and woman aspires to be a missionary because it's the best job in the world! I hope every one has a good week! Until next! Remember who you are what you stand for!

Hermana Ritter

Patricia's Baptism


Taking the Trax for the first time

I saw this picture and I said "Oh my goodness, my moms are going to love this picture. I can just see it on the wall." Hahaha.

Happy Birthday Socorro!!!